"Senior, are you okay?" Gu Fenghua came to the bottom of the pit and asked cautiously.

The old man turned his head and looked at Gu Fenghua, his eyes still blank.

Could it be that his brain was damaged? Gu Fenghua secretly cried out in his heart.

She knows nothing about Qingyuan Daofu now and needs his guidance in everything. If her brain is damaged, what should she do next?

Gu Fenghua quickly took out a bottle of Jade Dew Emperor Qing Dan, a bottle of Jiuyou Emperor Spirit Pill, a bottle of Jiuyang Emperor Vein Pill, Emperor Jade Condensation Pill, Emperor Dao Zhengshen Pill...it doesn't matter whether he is nourishing Qi for healing or not. Concentrating on stuffing it into his mouth like stuffing duck.

The situation just now was too critical, and she didn't see the old man's strength clearly. She could only vaguely see rainbow-like halos emerging between his eyebrows, which was probably the holy state. Although for such a strong person, the ordinary emperor-level holy elixirs are a bit lower, but the emperor-level holy elixirs she refined are all heaven-level, and there are many ancient and strange elixirs among them. should also work.

"Senior, are you feeling better? Do you remember anything?" Gu Fenghua asked eagerly as he stuffed another bottle of Emperor Dao Liuyang Pill into his mouth.

The old man stared at her for a long time, but still didn't answer.

He is worthy of being a strong man in the Holy Realm. Even taking so many top-level emperor-level holy pills and ancient magical pills is not enough. Gu Fenghua took out more than a dozen bottles of holy pills and stuffed them into his mouth one after another.

"Senior, are you feeling better?" Gu Fenghua asked again.

The old man's eyes widened even more, and his bloodshot eyes almost popped out, but he still didn't answer.

"Isn't this enough?" Gu Fenghua was surprised by the physique of the most powerful saint.

Even with her semi-sage cultivation, if she took so many top-level emperor-level holy pills and ancient magic pills in one breath, there would be a risk of her meridians bursting, the old man was still speechless and looked half-dead. The physique of the most powerful man is so powerful!

While talking, Gu Fenghua took out all the holy pills on his body.

"Uh..." Just as he was about to stuff a handful of holy pills into the old man's mouth, he finally reacted.

The old man suddenly stood up, put his fingers into his mouth, and took out more than a dozen holy elixirs. Then his legs went limp and he lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Senior, are you okay?" Fortunately, the elixir finally took effect. Gu Fenghua said happily.

The old man raised his head and looked at Gu Fenghua with a sad look on his face. After a while, he finally said: "It was okay at first, but I almost choked to death from you. Even if I didn't choke to death, I almost choked to death. If I didn't If your body explodes and dies, then everything is really fine."

This... Looking at the tears in the old man's eyes, Gu Fenghua had a black line on his face: It seems that he overestimated this old man's physique.

"All the holy elixirs I refined are of heavenly quality. The elixirs are of moderate power, so they should be fine." Gu Fenghua consoled him calmly.

Before he finished speaking, the old man rolled his eyes and fell to the ground again.

"Senior, senior!" Gu Fenghua was shocked and took a step forward.

"Don't touch me, don't touch me!" Just as he was about to reach out to help the old man up, he suddenly turned over and sat up. While waving his hands repeatedly, he moved his buttocks tremblingly to dodge back, looking at Gu Fenghua with a more serious look in his eyes. It's full of fear.

It is true that the holy elixirs taken previously were of good quality and their elixir power was extremely peaceful, but so what? Drinking too much water can kill someone, let alone a holy elixir? He was afraid of Gu Fenghua anyway.

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