"Okay, okay, I won't come over, you refine the elixir power first." Gu Fenghua retracted his hand awkwardly, took a few steps back, and forced a harmless smile on his face.

The old man was slightly relieved, but he looked at her warily and moved back a few feet until he reached the edge of the pit. Then he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to run the exercises to refine the alchemy power.

"Huh..." After half an hour, he finally opened his eyes again and let out a long breath.

Seeing that he finally escaped the fate of exploding and dying, Gu Fenghua also breathed a sigh of relief.

She almost choked the old man to death with the holy elixir, and she felt ashamed just thinking about it.

"Show me the token," the old man said.

Gu Fenghua had already prepared it and immediately handed over the ancient token.

"It is indeed you, it is indeed you." The old man rubbed the token and murmured to himself, tears of excitement appeared in his eyes again.

"Let's go, I will take you back to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion right now. You came at the right time, there is only half a month until the opening of Qingyuan Taoist Pond. If you had come a few days late, you would have missed it, and you would have to wait until then. Wait tens of thousands of years.

Also, don’t blame my family for not keeping their promise. My ancestors are not ashamed of you either. After all, a lot of things have happened over the years, and my ancestors couldn't do anything about it. Who made you come too late? If you had come back earlier, you shouldn't have had these troubles. "After handing the token back to Gu Fenghua, the old man stood up and said.

"Qingyuan Daochi, your ancestor?" Gu Fenghua looked at the old man doubtfully.

"Don't you know, where did your Qing Order come from?" The old man led Gu Fenghua towards the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion not far away. Hearing this, he turned his head and looked at Gu Fenghua suspiciously.

"It was a gift from a senior, but according to that senior, he had a friend who would pick me up and take me to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, but he didn't say much else." Gu Fenghua said.

This was what made her confused. According to Ye Lishang's arrangement, the people who came to pick her up should be his subordinates. Judging from the time, they should also be senior experts who had lived for tens of thousands of years.

As for the old man in front of him, his cultivation in the Holy Realm is of course a strong man above heaven and earth in the Wuji Holy Heaven. But in the Supreme Heaven, I am afraid he is not really a strong man, otherwise he would not have been almost killed. I was holding myself to death with a few handfuls of holy elixirs.

Moreover, although he has a white beard and a bright head, and has a Taoist immortal style, no matter how you look at it, he only has a lifespan of a few hundred years at most, and there is no way he can be Ye Lishang's subordinate.

"So that's it." The old man finally understood what Gu Fenghua was doubting and explained, "According to the last words left by my ancestors, it was indeed him who should pick you up. However, nearly ten thousand years ago, the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion and the Zhengyang Daofu suffered a tragic defeat in the first battle, and the ancestor was seriously injured in that battle.

Before his death, he left a will, instructing the descendants of his family to keep their promise from generation to generation, stay in Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, and guide those who hold the Qing Order to Qingyuan Taochi. The last words of our ancestors have since become the ancestral motto of my family. My family has been waiting for it for more than ten generations, but fortunately it has finally arrived. "

After hearing his explanation, Gu Fenghua was in awe of the old man's ancestors, family, and himself.

At first, she also thought that Ye Lishang's subordinate followed Ye Lishang's arrangement mainly because of the blood oath of destiny, but now it seems that she was obviously wrong.

He left such a will before his death, obviously he was truly loyal to Ye Lishang. And so many years after his death, his descendants can still adhere to the ancestral precepts and have not changed them for more than ten generations, which is even more sincerely admirable.

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