"Thank you, senior." Gu Fenghua saluted the old man seriously.

"You're welcome. I heard that my ancestors once owed a great debt to a senior. It's appropriate for us to do this." The old man waved his hand and continued, "By the way, there is one more thing. In that great defeat of the Qing Yuan Dynasty, The Taoist government suffered heavy losses, and even the Qingyuan Daochi fell into the hands of the Zhengyang Taoist government.

So originally I could take you to Qingyuan Dao Pond at any time, but now I can only wait until Zhengyang Taoist Palace opens Qingyuan Dao Pond.

But it doesn’t matter much. The opening date is still half a month away. Since you have the Qing Order, the place to go to Qingyuan Daochi this time should be yours. Presumably the two masters Zhuang and Chen will not Say more. Even if I don't like it, I can just talk to them. "

"Thank you for your hard work, senior." Gu Fenghua said gratefully.

It has been many years since Ye Lishang left Supreme Heaven. It is normal for something to happen to the Qingyuan Taoist House in the meantime. This old man followed the instructions of his ancestors and waited for him. In fact, it was not easy.

"I've seen you outside, I've seen you outside." The old man seemed to be thinking about something, and said casually with a haha.

"By the way, senior, haven't you asked me how to address him?" Gu Fenghua remembered that he hadn't asked for his surname yet, so he couldn't help but feel rude and asked again.

"My surname is Su, and my name is Su Guang." The old man replied.

"It turns out to be Senior Su." Gu Fenghua said immediately.

After she finished speaking, she was surprised to find that the old man's smile faltered slightly and his face seemed a little darker.

What's wrong? Could it be that this title is wrong? Maybe the Supreme Heaven has some special etiquette? Gu Fenghua was a little confused.

"Don't call me Senior Su." She was thinking wildly when the old man said obviously depressed.

"Oh, Senior Su Guang." Gu Fenghua followed the good example and immediately changed his tune.

"Don't call me Senior Su Guang either." The old man's face became darker and his tone became more depressed.

Gu Fenghua looked at the old man strangely. If you don’t call me Senior Su, you can’t call me Senior Su Guang. What should you call me? Senior Hikaru...it sounds strange.

"My surname is Su, my given name is Guang, and my given name is Yisheng." The old man said angrily.

"Oh, a lifetime senior." Gu Fenghua changed his words again.

"Yeah." Su Guang nodded and approved the title.

Seeing that he still looked depressed, Gu Fenghua was puzzled. But after all, she wasn't familiar with him yet, so she couldn't ask more questions and kept her doubts in her heart.

Not long after, the two arrived at Qingyuan Taoist Mansion.

When he got closer, Gu Fenghua found that this Taoist mansion was more majestic, more ancient and solemn than what he had seen before. Before entering the gate, you can feel a strong spiritual energy from heaven and earth rushing towards your face. It can be imagined that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this Taoist mansion is probably a hundred times stronger than that of Wuji Holy Heaven.

No wonder the original Ao Canhun regarded Wuji Holy Heaven as a lower plane and completely dismissed it. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Supreme Heaven is so abundant that it is difficult to become a strong person even if you practice here.

Several young people wearing robes that were very different from Wuji Shengtian's style were guarding the door of the Taoist mansion. When they saw Su Guang from a distance, they were startled for a moment, then looked overjoyed and hurried to greet him.

"Sir, you are finally back!" Several people greeted them happily, surrounding Su Guang and Gu Fenghua in the middle.

"Yeah, I'm back." Su Guang greeted perfunctorily.

"Sir, I've been looking for you everywhere, including all the surrounding Taoist cities. When I come back this time, I can't just leave without saying a word like last time." A young man grabbed Su Guang's clothes and said, He said with tears streaming down his face.

"Hmm, it will take a while to come back this time, so I won't leave yet." Su Guang said.

"That's good, that's good. By the way, Master Shifeng, last time you..." the young man continued.

"We'll talk about it later. We'll talk about it later. I'll take this person first...this person..." Su Guang looked at Gu Fenghua and suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked her name yet.

"My name is Gu Fenghua." Gu Fenghua said.

"I will take Miss Gu Fenghua to see the two Fuzheng adults first. I have something very important to discuss with them. Fenghua, please give them the order to see the Qing Dynasty," Su Guang said.

"Shangqing Order!" Before Gu Fenghua could take out the token, several young people exclaimed.

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