My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5796 5796 It turns out that you are so popular

When they saw the token with their own eyes, several of them looked solemn. They each took a few steps back and saluted respectfully: "Junior Yuanqing Taoist Master Lin Zheng (Fu Xingyuan, Lu Qingfeng...) pays homage to my senior.

"You don't have to be polite, you don't have to be polite." Gu Fenghua didn't expect that they would react so strongly when they saw the token, and he quickly helped everyone up.

"I'm going to see the two Fuzheng adults first. I'll talk about other things later." Su Guang dragged Gu Fenghua and walked quickly towards Qingyuan Taoist Mansion with a serious look on his face.

Several young people did not dare to get closer, but stood there respectfully, watching the two people enter the house.

"I didn't expect that there really is a Qing Dynasty Order in the world?" It wasn't until their figures disappeared in the corridor that one of them straightened up and said with emotion.

"Yeah, I always thought it was just a legend." Another person echoed.

"By the way, who are you talking about that Gu Fenghua, and how come she has the Order of Purification in her hands?" Another person said curiously.

"You ask us, who should we ask?" Of course no one could answer this question, and everyone else rolled their eyes.

"I'm more curious about why she came to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion at this time." Then, someone else said thoughtfully.

"Could it be for Qingyuan Daochi?" Soon, someone understood what he meant and said in surprise.

"It's going to be really exciting. The two Fuzheng adults are about to break up over the Qingyuan Dao Pond. If she really comes here for the Qingyuan Dao Pond, I don't know what their expressions will be." Some people seemed to be gloating at the misfortune. said.

"After so many days of trouble, it's time for you two adults to take a rest. If she really came for Qingyuan Daochi, it would actually be a good thing." The other person was not as worried about the world being in chaos as he was, but looked relieved. said.

"From what I see, the two Fuzheng masters may not be willing to let it go, and this matter may not be able to stop." Someone shook his head and said.

"No, what she holds in her hand is the Order of the Qing Dynasty. If you hold this order, if you ask for anything, I, the Qingyuan Taoist Palace, will not allow it. You haven't even heard of this, have you?" The man said disapprovingly.

"That's what I said, but it was all from the old emperor's calendar hundreds of thousands of years ago. I don't even know whether the legend is true or false. Who knows what the two Fuzheng adults will do? After all, it took thousands of years for the Qingyuan Dao Pond to be opened. If they give up once, Zhuang Yiming and Chen Jizu may never have a chance in their lives." said the man from before.

"That's true." Others thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Gu Fenghua was dragged by Su Guang into the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion quickly. Of course, he did not hear their discussion. Thinking of their previous actions, he said to Su Guang with emotion: "Senior Su, it turns out that you are so popular. Listen to them Say, your old man is enshrined by the Qingyuan Taoist House?"

This is what Gu Fenghua sighs with emotion. As a worshipper, he has a lofty status and must be placed in the Wuji Holy Heaven. Who is not looking up to the sky and pulling a horse face all day long, wishing to put "Keep strangers away"? With a word engraved on his forehead, how could he be as approachable as Su Guang and mingle with the juniors?

Thinking of their surprise when they saw Su Guang, their enthusiasm when they swarmed him, and their reluctance when they said goodbye, Gu Fenghua, an outsider, was deeply moved.

"Yes, yes." Su Guang said casually while looking around.

Seeing that he was listless and obviously perfunctory, Gu Fenghua stopped talking and looked at Qingyuan Taoist House carefully.

Compared to the sect of Wuji Shengtian, this Taoist mansion occupies a wider area, with dozens of peaks within a radius of thousands of miles, and a huge lake surrounded by mountains.

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