My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5797 5797 I can’t bear it anymore

Walking along the lakeside path towards the highest mountain peak, bursts of refreshing fragrance hit your nostrils.

Cangyun Emperor Fire Wood, Phoenix Feather Emperor Heart Orchid, Purple Heart Emperor Mingcao, Jasper Holy Heart Nan... Gu Fenghua sniffed and looked at the fragrance of the flowers, and his jaw almost dropped.

The most exotic flowers and plants of the Wuji Holy Heaven were growing wildly by the lake like weeds. She even saw a few jade-like glazed flowers scattered among them.

Back in Chengyun Valley, they relied on the Jade Void Glazed Flower to make great progress. In Wuji Holy Heaven, this is one of the top cultivation treasures, and even the emperor and envoys rarely have the chance to see it. But in the Supreme Heaven, in the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, the Yuxu Glazed Flower grows and dies on its own like a weed, and it seems that no one cares about it at all!

"Su Gongfeng, Su Gongfeng is back!" She was secretly exclaiming. Not far away, several more Qingyuan Taoist disciples saw Su Guang and rushed up with joy.

He must be so popular. He is so loved by young disciples that those who don't know him think he is the master of Qingyuan Taoist House. Seeing such a passionate scene, Gu Fenghua couldn't help but think so.

"Wait a minute, this is a distinguished guest from the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion. He has a Qing Dynasty order. He has important matters to meet with the two masters of the government." This time, before they could enthusiastically surround the two of them, Su Guang spoke up. call out.

Gu Fenghua had experience and cooperated very well to take out the token.

"The Shangqing Order, it's really the Shangqing Order!" Compared with the previous disciples, these people were a little older and had better eyesight. They had already seen the Shangqing Order clearly before they got close. They quickly stopped and said respectfully. Salute to Gu Fenghua.

Su Guang didn't say anything more and continued to walk forward quickly.

"Su Gongfeng, if this senior is not too impatient, why not go and see the two Fuzheng adults later." After a few steps, a middle-aged disciple behind him said as a reminder.

"Why?" Su Guang asked doubtfully.

"The two Masters have been having some disputes in the past few days, and they are currently at a stalemate." The middle-aged disciple said.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay. It's not the first day the two of them have been noisy. I've long been used to it." Su Guang said disapprovingly.

"Su Gongfeng, wait, there is something else..." The middle-aged disciple wanted to say something else.

It was a pity that Su Guang didn't give him a chance and dragged Gu Fenghua away quickly before he could finish his words.

Gu Fenghua turned around and saw the man who was hesitant to speak and had a look of reluctance on his face. He once again felt sincerely in his heart: Su Gongfeng's popularity is so good that it is enviable. I don’t know how highly virtuous and respected I must be to be so loved by my disciples!

Along the way, I met several groups of Qingyuan Taoist disciples, and they all had the same reaction when they saw Su Guang. But every time, he asked Gu Fenghua to show his order early and left quickly while the other party was bowing.

Later, when he saw them rushing over enthusiastically, he took out a bucket of cold water from the Qing Dynasty and poured it on their heads. He bowed and saluted solemnly, and then reluctantly watched them leave. Even Gu Fenghua was a little agitated. Yu Xin couldn't bear it anymore.

Finally, Su Guang stopped.

The lake in front was rippling, and two bluestones in the center of the lake were shaped like old turtles emerging from the water. Two old men each stood on a piece of bluestone, looking at each other in the air, arguing about something with foam at the mouth. Hundreds of Taoist disciples stood on the shore. By the way, I was watching it with gusto.

Although they were still far apart, with Gu Fenghua's current strength, he could clearly hear every word of the quarrel between the two.

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