My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5804 5804 I haven’t won once since I was a kid.

"I am good at nothing in my life, but I am good at gambling. Others always lose and win in gambling. Even if they end up bankrupt, there are times when they win after all. I am good at it. I have never won since I was a child. Why?

Isn't it just because the name is bad? Lose everything, lose everything, lose all your life, don't even think about winning in your life, you can only lose. "The more Su Guang talked, the more excited he became, and his eyes filled with tears.

Cold sweat dripped down Gu Fenghua's forehead uncontrollably. What is gambling? To put it clearly, it is gambling.

If you lose everything, you lose your life... No wonder he looks unhappy when you call him "lose" senior, and when you call him "lose all" senior, his face is so dark that he can almost squeeze out ink. It wasn't until he finally called him "Senior" that he finally looked a little better.

Fortunately, I called him "Senior" instead of "Senior", otherwise the old man would have turned his back on the spot and walked away.

"Since you've never won before, why don't you gamble? If you still insist on gambling even though you know you're going to lose, isn't that going to make you miserable?" Gu Fenghua said disapprovingly.

"But I'm not willing to give in. There is no one who has never won once in his life, even if I win once." Su Guang said, clenching his fists.

Obsession, this is obsession.

"You just want to win once?" Gu Fenghua asked.

In any case, this old man followed the ancestral precepts and waited for him honestly for most of his life, but his character still had merit, so the fifth lady of the Gu family decided to help him.

"That's right, it would be nice to win even once." Su Guang said persistently.

"Okay, guess right or wrong, the year name is positive, Tongbao is negative, I choose the year name, you choose Tongbao, let's start." Gu Fenghua took out a copper coin and said to Su Guang.

This copper coin was brought from the Xinghua Kingdom. It was thrown into the storage bracelet as a souvenir. It came in handy today.

The Supreme Heaven is composed of countless cultivation planes. Su Guang has traveled around over the years and has seen similar coins, but Gu Fenghua doesn't need to explain it.

Looking at him, there was no doubt. Gu Fenghua threw the copper coin up without using his holy energy, and then reached out to catch it.

The palm is spread out, and on the copper coin is the word Tongbao.

"Who said you can't win? Didn't you win?" Gu Fenghua said happily.

Although it is just a small game, for Su Guang, it is related to a lifelong obsession. Helping him break his obsession so easily made the fifth lady of the Gu family feel very good.

"I haven't placed a bet yet." Unfortunately, Su Guang himself was not happy at all. He looked at the word "Tong Bao" on the copper coin and said with a wry smile.

"By the way, I haven't placed a bet yet." Gu Fenghua was a little embarrassed. Although she has many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, even the cultivation treasures such as Yuxu Glazed Grass in Qingyuan Taoist Mansion are growing like wild weeds, and no one takes a second look at them. She is really good at those heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Don't take action.

"Bet anything you want. There are a lot of Dao Ling grasses planted in the yard. I'll bet on three Dao Yi Chixin Orchids first. You can bet whatever you want." Su Guang saw her dilemma and said cheerfully.

"That's not good." Gu Fenghua was embarrassed to take advantage of him and said hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter, I can't win anyway. Let's get started, I'll choose Tongbao." Su Guang said cheerfully, but it made people feel very tragic and helpless.

"That's fine." Anyway, it was to help him break his obsession, and it wasn't really to take advantage of him. Gu Fenghua didn't bother to worry about it, and casually took out a few defensive necklaces and put them on the table.

The copper coin was thrown up again. Gu Fenghua caught it and spread his palms. What appeared in front of his eyes was the word "Zhenqing", which was the reign name of the last emperor of Xinghua Kingdom.

"Nian Xiao, you win." Su Guang said bitterly.

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