"Come again." Gu Fenghua didn't care.

If you bet on pros and cons, winning or losing is a 50-50 decision, so it proves nothing. Anyway, as long as Su Guang wins a game and he can break his obsession.

"This time I am blocking three Taoist gods, and I will choose Tongbao." Su Guang knew Gu Fenghua's intention, and perhaps he hoped that she could help him realize his wish, so he did not object and made another bet.

"Nian, you win." Soon, a bitter smile appeared on Su Guang's face again.

"Year number, you still win."

"Year number, you still win."

"you win."

"you win."

In the yard, Su Guang's voice rang out one after another. The smile on his face was not only bitter, but also full of despair.

Across the table, Gu Fenghua had black lines on his head and his eyes were filled with despair.

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense! Since the bet was placed, the copper coins have been tossed hundreds of times, but there has never been a single Tong Bao. The year names are all year names!

If Emperor Zhenqing had known this, he would probably have laughed out loud when he saw this scene.

Finally, Gu Fenghua opened his palm, saw the word "Zhenqing" on it again, and gave up completely.

"Aren't you coming?" Su Guang asked pitifully.

However, in less than half an hour, he had already lost all the Dao Ling Cao in the yard, as well as two large courtyards and six small courtyards. If he continued to lose, he would have to live under the shelter of others in his ancestral home.

"Not coming." Gu Fenghua put away the coins depressedly.

"Oh, fate, fate." Although Su Guang had long been accustomed to losing all his money, as his hope was shattered again, he still sighed with a lonely face.

"If possible, I think you should change your name." Gu Fenghua gave him a sympathetic look and advised.

The way of cultivation, on the one hand, conforms to the way of heaven, but on the other hand, it goes against heaven, so she has never believed in fate. But at this moment, she believed it, really believed it.

It is really unlucky to lose everything and lose your life...

"By the way, it seems that you don't know much about the Supreme Heaven. Where did you come from?" Su Guang had lost all his life, but his psychological quality was excellent. He quickly put his mood in order and asked Gu Fenghua.

"Wuji Holy Heaven, a cultivation plane far away from the Supreme Heaven." Gu Fenghua answered.

Anyway, no one in the Supreme Heaven knew about the existence of the Supreme Heaven, let alone its name, so she didn't have to worry about anything.

"Sure enough, that's what I guessed." Su Guang took out a jade slip and handed it to Gu Fenghua, "This jade slip is called "Tianlu". It was written by a senior who spent his whole life and records the history of the Supreme Heaven. Linlin has all kinds of things, you can just use them."

"Thank you, senior." Gu Fenghua happily took the jade slip.

Just when she was worried, Supreme Heaven's eyes darkened. For her, this "Tianlu" was a timely help.

"See for yourself. I'll go back and rest first. If there's anything you don't understand, come back and ask me tomorrow." Su Guang said.

"By the way, Senior, I just saw that the two masters of the government were unwilling to make trouble. Do you want to take some precautions?" Gu Fenghua thought about how Zhuang and Chen were as black as the bottom of a pot when they left just now. He said with a worried look on his face.

"Logically speaking, with the teachings of the Patriarch, no matter how unwilling they are, they can't cause any trouble. But you are right, it is better to be careful in everything.

Let's do this. I'll take you to visit Mr. Fu tomorrow morning, first of all, to settle this matter as soon as possible. On the other hand, when you come to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, it makes no sense not to pay a visit to the Lord. "Su Guang nodded and said.

Fortunately, although this old man's character could not be said to be very good, and his fate was even worse, he was cautious in temperament and had no bad habit of being self-righteous. Gu Fenghua was relieved.

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