My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5806 5806 She realized that she was worrying too much

Anyway, except for one large courtyard, all other large and small courtyards in the Su family's ancestral residence were lost to Gu Fenghua. Su Guang was secretly feeling sad and was too lazy to take her to visit her own property anymore, so she returned to the bedroom with weak steps.

Gu Fenghua put her mind into "Tianlu", and a thick ancient book seemed to appear in front of her "eyes". After briefly reading the preface, she continued to read page by page.

As she saw in the void, the Supreme Sky was not a complete continent, but composed of nearly a thousand star fields.

Each star field is composed of one, several, or even dozens of cultivation planes with similar rules of heaven and earth. Each plane is actually a planet.

And in each star region, there is a Taoist mansion, which is under the jurisdiction of the mansion king. Above the palace princes are the heavenly generals, each of whom is in charge of ten Taoist palaces.

There are seventy-two heavenly generals, and each two are under the control of a star king. There are thirty-six star kings in total, and every nine of them are under the control of a heavenly king.

And above the four heavenly kings is the Emperor of Heaven.

Of course, in addition to these heavenly generals, star kings and kings, there are other star kings and generals under the Emperor of Heaven. For example, the Seven Star Lords of the Big Dipper are not among these thirty-six star kings.

Counting it down, there are a total of 720 star fields in the Supreme Heaven, which does not seem to be too many, but each star field is composed of several or even dozens of cultivation planes with similar rules of heaven and earth. Added together , even with tens of thousands of stars, the vastness of the territory is still far beyond imagination. The power of the Emperor of Heaven can also be seen from this.

However, the Four Saints of Heaven are not under the jurisdiction of the Emperor of Heaven. As early as the birth of Supreme Heaven, the Four Saints of Heaven were responsible for guarding the four directions of calamity. They nominally belonged to Supreme Heaven, but in fact, no Heavenly Emperor directed them. No emperor dares to offend them easily.

According to "Tian Lu" records, throughout the ages, among all the Heavenly Emperors, only Emperor Lingxu has truly gained their respect, and they are considered sworn friends.

Gu Fenghua guessed that the sudden change in the calamity path, which caused the four brothers to be seriously injured and almost died, was probably related to this.

Continuing to read page after page, there are all kinds of experiences of that senior traveling in the Supreme Heaven, which not only mentioned the lives and strengths of the heavenly generals, star kings, and even the heavenly kings and emperors, but also the customs and customs of each cultivation plane. Heaven’s way of cultivation is also explained.

Originally, Gu Fenghua was still thinking, should he practice new techniques when he reaches the Supreme Heaven? Her brothers were no longer around, and Ye Lishang was gone. With her "lost life" virtue, I'm afraid it would be difficult to teach her any decent exercises.

Seeing this, she realized that she had been worrying too much. When cultivation reaches the realm of the Holy Saint, relying on the abundant spiritual energy of the Supreme Heaven and the heavenly materials and earthly treasures nurtured by it, the improvement of the holy energy becomes easy, so the skills are no longer important.

At this level, the most important thing is the understanding of Tao. Or it’s the way of heaven and earth, or it’s the way of emptiness, or it’s the way of the birth and death of all things. In short, only when the understanding of Tao reaches a certain level can it be further improved and advanced to a new realm.

It's no wonder that Lian Yuxu Glazed Grass became worthless when it reached the Supreme Heaven. What's valuable here is Dao Spirit Grass and Dao Spirit Stone. As you can tell from the name, whether it is Dao Spirit Grass or Dao Spirit Stone, they are all very helpful in understanding the Great Dao.

As the sky grew dark, Gu Fenghua flipped through "Tianlu" with gusto, but he completely forgot about himself and the time.

Qingyuan Daofu, another ancient mansion.

Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan sat across from each other, their tense faces still not relaxed.

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