My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5809 5809 Why should I listen to you?

"But the method was obviously thought up by my step-grandfather, so you can't be unreasonable, right?" Chen Siyuan said dissatisfied.

"Can you open the Devil's Heart Valley without me? Why should I work in vain?" Zhuang Mengdie said angrily.

"I don't care. Anyway, my step-grandfather came up with the method. The quota this time must go to my step-grandfather. You have to agree if you agree or agree if you don't agree." Chen Siyuan said with a straight face.

"Fart, why should I listen to you? Why don't we just let them fight and whoever wins will go." Zhuang Mengdie was furious and rolled up his sleeves again.

"What kind of fight? You want to fight so much, how about I fight with you?" Chen Siyuan's face darkened, and he also lifted up his robe.

Chen Jizu and Zhuang Yiming were roughly equal in strength, but they were still far behind. If they had not solved it themselves earlier, there would be no need for these two old guys to fight and fight all day long.

When the man named Zhuang said this, wasn't it clear that he was bullying others?

It was late at night, but in a quiet courtyard of Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, there was a muffled crackling sound.

Probably because Chen Jizu and Zhuang Yiming were too confident, the two Fuzheng adults could not help but be deeply affected, but they never thought about whether it was too early to be so busy fighting over each other right now. A little too hasty.

In the early morning, Lin Yuantang left the meditation room and walked towards the meeting hall, rubbing his brows.

During this period of time, not only were the two governors fighting fiercely with each other for the quota for Qingyuan Daochi training, but he, the governor, was also tortured to death.

Zhuang and Chen couldn't argue, so they asked him to make a decision. He can make a damn decision. Those two old guys are both governors. Although their status is lower than that of him, they were governors when the previous governor was still alive, and their qualifications are older than him. No matter which side he prefers, in the end it will definitely be Zhu Bajie who looks in the mirror and is not a human being.

If Zhuang Yiming and Chen Jizu were very different in terms of qualifications and strength, it would not be impossible for him to make a decision. He would be fair and impartial, and he would not be afraid of anyone making irresponsible remarks or being dissatisfied.

But not only did the two have the same qualifications, one had obtained the ancestral sacred mark, and the other asked a strong person to help cut his veins and cleanse his marrow. They were even about the same strength. He couldn't find any reason to favor either side.

In desperation, he had no choice but to hide in the meditation room every day and not be able to come out. But as the king of a government, he can't hide forever. Every few days, he still has to go out to deal with political affairs, and at the same time he has to deal with the constant chatter of the two old guys.

When he thought of the scene where Zhuang and Chen were frothing at the mouth, he felt his scalp swell, and even the Qingyuan Holy Qi that he had practiced for many years showed signs of going berserk.

"I will see you, Your Majesty." As soon as Lin Yuantang sat down, a chamberlain bowed and saluted.

"Nothing has gone wrong in the various areas of the government these days, right?" Lin Yuantang took a sip of Daoling tea and asked.

"No." the chamberlain replied.

"Where are the two Fuzheng adults? Why didn't you see anyone?" Lin Yuantang asked with some confusion.

In the past few days, as long as he went to this meeting hall, Zhuang and Chen would immediately come to his door impatiently. Regardless of whether he had business or not, they would first grab his robe and spray spit on his face. I didn't see those two old guys today, something was wrong.

Could this be the legendary calm before the storm?

"Master Fu Zheng didn't come," the chamberlain replied.

"I didn't come. Could it be that someone broke his head yesterday?" Lin Yuantang asked in surprise.

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