My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5810 5810 The savior has finally arrived

Why Zhuang and Chen were clinging to him was because they couldn't tell the difference. If someone's head is broken, the superiority will naturally be determined, and he can breathe a long sigh of relief.

Of course, there is another situation where both of them break their heads, then of course he will have no peace. But as a human being, you should still think more about the good, and you can't worry yourself to death.

"That's not true. The two masters did not take action yesterday." The chamberlain replied.

He didn't know that the two Fuzheng masters did not take action during the day yesterday, but at midnight, they beat each other until they were both bruised and bruised. Now they are not embarrassed to go out to meet people.

"Didn't take action?" Lin Yuantang looked confused.

"Su Gongfeng came back yesterday and brought back a distinguished guest holding the Taiqing Order. That distinguished guest came to my Qingyuan Dao Mansion to participate in the Qingyuan Dao Pool experience, so the two masters of the house have nothing to argue about. That’s it.” The chamberlain explained.

Lin Yuantang's eyes lit up when he heard this: Okay, okay! The savior has finally arrived. Now the two old guys can stop talking, and he can finally live in peace.

As the Lord of the Palace, he is of course the most aware of the legacy left by the Patriarch. Not to mention the two Palace Lords, Zhuang and Chen, even he, the Lord of Fu, has no choice but to obey orders, so they have nothing to argue with.

"By the way, the distinguished guest is still waiting outside and wants to pay a visit to the Lord." The chamberlain continued.

"Come in, please come in quickly." Lin Yuantang was in a good mood. Even the cup of Daoling tea in his hand, which had no novelty after drinking for a lifetime, felt particularly fragrant and pleasant, so he didn't think too much and said with a smile.

But soon, he regretted it and felt that he should not meet Gu Fenghua so casually, but should make sure that the two old guys really gave up before seeing her again.

"Junior Gu Fenghua, I would like to pay my respects to the Lord Fu." Entering the meeting hall, Gu Fenghua saluted and looked at the Lord Fu.

The middle-aged man in front of him is much younger than the two officials, Zhuang and Chen. He lacks the majesty and killing intent of a strong man, but has a lot more elegance. Unlike Gu Fenghua's imagination of a powerful Fujun who was in charge of several cultivation planes, he looked more like a moral gentleman with rich knowledge and high moral standards.

"It turns out to be Miss Gu. I heard that you hold the ancient order of the Qing Dynasty in my house?" Lin Yuantang ordered someone to serve Daoling tea and asked with a kind smile.

The big problem that made him sleepy and sleepless at night was solved with the arrival of Gu Fenghua, and he had a very good impression of Gu Fenghua.

"Not bad." Gu Fenghua took out the Order of Purification.

When he saw the Qing Dynasty order, Lin Yuantang looked solemn and immediately bowed and saluted.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua suddenly felt quite fond of Mr. Fu Jun. Take a look, this is the magnanimity that a prince of a government should have. It's not like those two princes. When they saw the Qing Dynasty order and heard their explanation of their purpose, they not only showed no respect, but their faces almost turned green with anger. .

"I dare to ask Miss Gu, how come you have this imperial order in your hand?" Lin Yuantang finished the salute, sat upright, and then asked.

"This Shangqing Order is an ancestral treasure of our clan. This time I went out for training, the elders of the clan personally handed it to me." Gu Fenghua answered.

It can be seen that Lin Yuantang just asked casually and did not doubt the origin of the Shangqing Order. In fact, there was no need for him to doubt the instructions of the founder of the Qingyuan Taoist House. So Gu Fenghua didn't care and just made up a reason to deal with the problem.

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