"In the past, our Qingyuan Taoist House owed a great debt of gratitude to a senior, so I gave you this order as a gift. With this order, you are the benefactor of my Qingyuan Taoist House. If you need any help, just ask. Everyone in the government does everything." Sure enough, Lin Yuantang just asked casually and didn't really care about the origin of this order. He nodded and said.

"I came to pay a visit to Mr. Fu today. I really have something to ask for. I heard that the Qingyuan Dao Pond is about to be opened. I want to go and experience it. I also ask Mr. Fu to agree." After the pleasantries were almost finished, Gu Fenghua said straightforwardly.

"It's a small matter, it's just a small matter. As long as the two Fuzheng adults have no objections, of course I will agree." Lin Yuantang said with a smile.

"That's good. The two Mr. Fu Zheng have no objections. They just said that the matter is of great importance and it is up to you, Mr. Fu Zheng, to make the decision." Gu Fenghua said with a smile and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although as long as you have the Shangqing Order, you can go directly to Zhengyang Taoist Palace to participate in the experience of Qingyuan Daochi, but Zhengyang Taoist House does not owe the original owner of the Shangqing Order, and will not respect her as much as Qingyuan Taoist Palace. , it is very likely that her identity will be investigated.

According to the second brother, even though tens of thousands of years have passed, Emperor Haokong is still sending people to find her whereabouts. If you don’t want to reveal your identity, try not to cause any complications. Even if the chance is extremely small, once exposed, it will not only bring disaster to oneself, but also likely to implicate Ye Lishang and several brothers, and even Wuji Shengtian may be implicated.

After much deliberation, she felt that it would be most appropriate to participate in the Qingyuan Daochi training in the name of Qingyuan Daofu.

Originally, he was worried that Lin Yuantang would be pushy or hesitant like the two princes, but he didn't expect him to be so forthcoming. Gu Fenghua had a good impression of this moral gentleman-like prince.

Unfortunately, she was wrong this time.

"What, they want me to make the decision?" Lin Yuantang's smile faltered, and he asked anxiously, "Then what do they mean?"

"I didn't mean anything. I didn't say I agreed or disagreed. I just said I wanted you to make the decision." Su Guang said with a smile.

"Oh, this matter is a bit troublesome. As you know, Su Gongfeng, although I am called Fujun, I can still make the decision on small matters. Big things are always discussed with the two Fuzheng adults. Like Qingyuan I can’t even make the final decision on such a big thing as Daochi training.” Lin Yuantang no longer had any smile on his face and looked at the two of them pitifully.

"You can't make the decision, Lord Fu?" Only then did Gu Fenghua realize that he had a high opinion of the Lord Fu's courage.

"No." Lin Yuantang said simply.

Well, who said this Lord Fu has no courage? When he said these two words, he was really loud and full of courage.

Gu Fenghua secretly felt ashamed and looked at Su Guang with some embarrassment. He was not surprised at all by Mr. Fujun's performance.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Mr. Fu Jun doesn't object." Su Guang still had a smile on his face, as if everything had been expected.

"No objection, no objection. Miss Gu is holding the Qing Order. If this matter hadn't been too important, I should have sent her to Zhengyang Taoist Mansion in person. Although I don't dare to make the decision casually, I definitely don't dare to object. . Let it be like this, as long as the two Fuzheng adults agree, I, Lin Yuantang, will have no objections." Lin Yuantang's words were quite righteous, but if you look at them a little, then again, and again, it seems to be nonsense.

What kind of moral gentleman is this? He is clearly a nice and kind gentleman. Gu Fenghua was also speechless towards this Lord Fu.

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