"In that case, let's take our leave first." Su Guang stood up and said.

"Okay, okay, I'll see you off." Seeing that Su Guang and Gu Fenghua didn't stalk each other like the two old guys, Lin Yuantang let out a long sigh of relief.

"No need to trouble Mr. Fu, we can go back by ourselves." Gu Fenghua declined politely, and then left the meeting hall with Su Guang.

As soon as the two of them walked away, before their backs completely disappeared, Lin Yuantang suddenly turned around and walked quickly towards the quiet room.

As he walked, he hurriedly gave instructions to the chamberlain: "Give me the order, I will be in seclusion this time. No one is allowed to disturb me, not even if the sky falls."

I regret it. I really shouldn't have been so reckless to meet Gu Fenghua. I thought that the two old guys would stop after seeing the Qing Order. Unexpectedly, instead of giving up, they put a hot potato into their own hands.

The two old guys were quarreling with each other every day, and in the end they had to stage a full-scale martial arts show in front of him. Coupled with Gu Fenghua holding the Qing Order, could he still live in peace?

Of course, he could also settle it once and for all and agree to Gu Fenghua to settle the matter on the grounds of the above-mentioned Qing Dynasty order. But in this case, it would be strange for those two old guys to drown him alive without spitting stars.

If I can’t afford to offend him, can I still afford to hide? Well, in fact, he seemed to have no better choice besides hiding.

"Seclusion?" The chamberlain looked at the Lord Fu in surprise.

You are the king of a palace, in charge of several cultivation planes in a large star field. Can the death barrier be closed just by saying it?

How come this elm-headed man can’t even understand this! Lin Yuantang glared at the chamberlain angrily and explained patiently: "The death trap can be long or short. I will leave the trap after they come up with a result. Before that, don't bother me even if the sky falls. do you understand?"

The chamberlain finally came to his senses and said repeatedly: "I understand, I understand."

Lin Yuantang then retracted his dissatisfied gaze, quickened his pace, and hid in the practice quiet room as if running away.

"This Lord Mansion doesn't seem to have much responsibility." Gu Fenghua said depressedly as he walked out of the door of the council hall.

Since she was a green tea bitch like Zhong Wanying, she has developed a pair of piercing eyes and is extremely confident in her ability to see people. But this time, she was completely blind. She didn't realize that Mr. Lin, who was so elegant and calm, didn't even have such a sense of responsibility. He was just a good gentleman who only knew how to make friends.

"I can't blame him for this. The Zhuang and Chen families have held the position of governor for generations. If the Qingyuan Taoist House had not been defeated and declined in the past, their family would have been called a famous family in the entire Supreme Heaven.

However, Lin Yuantang was born in the ordinary world. By chance, he took a Dao Realm Fruit when he was young, so he was favored by the previous prince and accepted him as his disciple, and he succeeded to the throne as the new prince.

Long before he succeeded to the throne, Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan were already in positions of authority, and to be more detailed, they were still his elders. In front of the two of them, Lin Yuantang could not be so stubborn.

But when it comes to his character, he has absolutely no criticism. His moral integrity is well-known in many star regions in the Supreme Heaven. Otherwise, Zhuang and Chen would not let him sit on the position of Lord of the House. Su Guang said with a smile.

After hearing what he said, Gu Fenghua felt much better. It turned out that this Lord Fu was really a moral gentleman, and she had not completely misjudged him.

"Then what should we do next?" Gu Fenghua asked.

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