My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5819 5819 Promise him quickly

"Ah, I understand, it's because of the restriction of heaven and earth, the void barrier, right?" Gu Fenghua was thinking to himself, and suddenly an idea came to him, and he said in his mind.

"Almost." The sword spirit said vaguely.

"Sure enough, the laws of heaven and earth are still too strong, not too weak." Gu Fenghua confirmed his guess. I couldn't help but secretly slander: He is obviously too strong, but he insists on saying that he is too weak, and he changes his words to flatter himself. What kind of swordsman is this? He is clearly a cheap spirit.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Promise him, promise him quickly." I don't know if he heard Gu Fenghua's thoughts this time, but the sword spirit roared in anger.

"Why?" Gu Fenghua asked.

Even a fool can see that Zhuang Yiming and Chen Jizu had absolutely no good intentions in motivating themselves to go to the Devil's Heart Valley. Although she would never have any doubts about the sword essence refined by her father, she still had to ask clearly.

"Gu Fenghua, you are a half-sage strongman after all, don't you even have this bit of courage?" At this time, Zhuang Yiming saw that Gu Fenghua was silent, just staring blankly, and pretended to be disdainful. said.

"Forget it, she really doesn't want to go. Devil's Heart Valley is the place where Emperor Lingxu came to enlightenment. Outsiders can't go there even if they want to. She doesn't even know how to cherish this opportunity. Even if she goes to Qingyuan Dao Pond, she can't If there is any gain, this will probably be it for the rest of my life." Chen Jizu waved his hand and said disdainfully.

"What do you mean, Devil's Heart Valley is the place where Emperor Lingxu attained enlightenment?" Gu Fenghua asked eagerly with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Yes, Emperor Lingxu once traveled to the Supreme Heaven when he was not famous, and stayed in our Qingyuan Taoist Mansion for many days. The Devil's Heart Valley and the Qingyuan Tao Pond are the two places where the Emperor of Heaven attained enlightenment. Now the Qingyuan Tao Pond is owned by the Zhengyang Sect. Those shameless people took over, but the Devil's Heart Valley is still in the hands of our Qingyuan Taoist House." Chen Jizu said.

There was no need for the sword spirit to explain. After hearing this, Gu Fenghua completely understood. It turns out that Devil's Heart Valley was the place where his father attained enlightenment. No wonder the sword spirit was so excited.

"Let's go, take me to Devil's Heart Valley." Gu Fenghua said to the two of them decisively without any hesitation.

Chen Jizu and Zhuang Yiming looked at each other and showed an understanding smile.

Quietly winking at a Taoist disciple not far away, the two of them led Gu Fenghua towards the Devil's Heart Valley with great ambition.

As he walked, Chen Jizu gathered his energy to transmit sound, and said to Zhuang Yiming: "Look, look, I know that Gu Fenghua can achieve half-step to the saint's cultivation at such a young age. How could it be possible for the city to do so without any scheming? It's useless to provoke generals, you still have to use them to your advantage."

Zhuang Yiming nodded and said: "I did underestimate her. Thanks to Junior Brother Chen's little plan, otherwise it would be really difficult to convince her today."

A sly smile appeared in Chen Jizu's eyes: "In this case, then let's give up the quota for training in Qingyuan Daochi this time to my younger brother. If my younger brother succeeds in his cultivation in the future, he will never treat Senior Brother Zhuang badly."

Only then did Zhuang Yiming realize what he had in mind when he said what he just said, and he snorted coldly: "Don't even think about it!"

Chen Jizu pretended to be aggrieved and said pitifully: "But didn't you just say that if I hadn't made a little trick, it wouldn't have been so easy to convince Gu Fenghua. I have made such great contributions, but I can't There’s no benefit at all.”

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