My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5820 5820 Another provoking method

Zhuang Yiming rolled his eyes and said disdainfully: "It's a small plan, a small plan, a small plan, how can all the credit be given to you? If I hadn't provoked the general first, only your small plan could deceive me." Got her?"

Chen Jizu felt even more aggrieved: "Brother Zhuang, why are you so unreasonable?"

Zhuang Yiming puffed up his chest and said confidently: "In the way of cultivation, the strong are respected. What's the truth? Otherwise, let's have a fight, and whoever wins will go to Qingyuan Dao Pond. How about that?"

Chen Jizu turned away angrily, not even looking at Zhuang Yiming.

If he can beat Zhuang Yiming, why should he talk to him?

This guy is clearly a bully!

Like the grandfathers of every family, they also argued over the ownership of the experience quota in advance, but little did they know that it was too early and too hasty to fight now.

Although they were arguing, the two of them were not slow. It didn't take long before they led Gu Fenghua to the Devil's Heart Valley.

The valley is not long, only four or five miles at most, but the valley is filled with clouds and mist, giving people a strange sense of depth. He focused his eyes and looked inward through the mist. There were vaguely seven gates, but there seemed to be no restrictions on them.

"How?" Gu Fenghua asked.

"Enter the valley at the same time to see who can go further." Zhuang Yiming said.

"So simple?" Gu Fenghua was a little confused.

"Don't underestimate the Devil's Heart Valley. This is the place where our Qingyuan Taoist House cultivates the Taoist Heart. Although cultivators are pure-hearted and have few desires, they will inevitably have distracting thoughts. The higher the cultivation level, the lower the requirements for the state of mind. The higher you go, especially above the Holy One.

Only by building up the Taoist heart and being promoted to a saint can one not go crazy and become possessed. In the future, it will be possible to understand the way of heaven, then refine the spirit and combine with the virtual Taoist god to return to the original state, and then be promoted to a Taoist saint.

However, building a Taoist heart is not that easy. Even though the Devil's Heart Valley is very useful for building a Taoist heart, once you enter it, your soul will be subjected to various tests.

Those seven gates are the seven levels of tests in Demonic Heart Valley, which is what we call Demonic Heart Building. If the foundation is not stable, even the first level of test cannot be passed. None of the disciples of my Qingyuan Taoist House and even the Lord of the House can pass the seventh level of test. "Chen Jizu shook his head and reminded Gu Fenghua. At the end of the sentence, he even sighed, with regret written all over his face.

The method of stimulating generals is also the method of stimulating generals.

I have to say that this Chen Jizu is much smarter than Zhuang Yiming. He first talked about the benefits of cultivating the Taoist heart in detail, which made people look forward to it, fascinated by it, and excited about it. Finally, he sighed with regret, Unintentionally arouse the opponent's competitive spirit.

With their cultivation reaching their level, who doesn’t have a strong heart and who doesn’t have a competitive spirit?

Unfortunately, he met Gu Fenghua. The fifth young lady of the Gu family embarked on the path of cultivation from Tianji Continent, and then walked step by step to where she is today. If Wuji Shengtian, in the eyes of a proud man like Chen Jizu and Zhuang Yiming, is a low-level plane with extremely thin spiritual energy, then the even thinner spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Tianji Continent is simply garbage among garbage.

But even so, Gu Fenghua still cultivated to the semi-sage level. The ordeal she went through was beyond the imagination of people like Zhuang Yiming and Chen Jizu, so how could she be fooled by them.

However, Gu Fenghua was still moved.

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