My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5835 5835 Finally broke the fate of losing everything and losing a lifetime

"Demon Heart Tempering Soul, could it be Demon Heart Tempering Soul!" Gu Fenghua didn't understand what was going on, but on the mountain peak, Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan exclaimed in unison, and even their eyes almost fell to the ground in shock. .

In a flash, the two of them disappeared on the spot and appeared in front of Gu Fenghua.

"Sure enough, it's the soul tempered by the devil's heart. It turns out that the legend is true, there really is the soul tempered by the devil's heart!" Looking carefully at the colorful flames outside Gu Fenghua's body, the two of them murmured to themselves again in unison.

"What is the devil's heart and soul quenching?" Gu Fenghua was wondering. Hearing this, his heart moved and he asked curiously.

"Legend has it that in ancient times, the demon clan once gave birth to seven peerless talents, known as the Seven Demon Saints.

Today's demons are also one of the various races in the Supreme Heaven, but at that time, the demons were their own entity and lived in the demon realm. The Supreme Heaven and the Demonic Realm have been enemies for generations, and they have been fighting endlessly until the battle between the Heavenly Demon and the Demonic Realm more than 100,000 years ago, when the eight emperors of the Supreme Heaven joined forces and finally defeated the Demonic Realm.

From then on, the Demon Realm became a part of the Supreme Heaven, and the Demon Race became one of the various races. And the seven demon saints all died in that battle.

It has been passed down from generation to generation in our Qingyuan Taoist House that although the seven demon saints died in battle, their demonic hearts were not extinguished and scattered in the Demonic Heart Valley. The so-called Demonic Heart Tempering Dao came from this. It is said that as long as you can pass all seven levels of tests and pass through the Demonic Heart Valley on your own, you can be recognized by the seven demonic hearts and use them to temper your soul.

However, since ancient times, no one has ever passed the seven-level test and passed through the Devil's Heart Valley on his own, so no one knows whether this legend is true or false. "Su Guang also rushed over at this time and answered for Zhuang and Chen.

Until now, his face was full of shock, and his eyes were full of disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that Gu Fenghua passed the test so easily and obtained the legendary Demon Heart Tempering Soul.

Of course, despite being shocked, he could not hide his excitement. Finally breaking the fate of losing all his life, the old man couldn't calm down so easily. He danced with joy while talking, and his face was even flushed, as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

"Who says that no one can pass all the tests? Didn't Emperor Lingxu pass it all back then? It was by tempering the Dao with his demonic heart that Emperor Lingxu was able to refine the emptiness and combine the divine Dao Yuan into one within a mere thousand years, becoming the strongest in history. Emperor of Heaven, and his ultimate unification of the Supreme Heaven, has become the pride of our Qingyuan Taoist House." Zhuang Mengdie argued unhappily. When it comes to Emperor Lingxu, there is a look of fascination and pride on his face.

"With Emperor Lingxu's incredible talent, he can indeed pass these seven levels of tests, but has he really been to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, and has he really been to Devil's Heart Valley?

It's just a legend, but you still take it seriously. Do you have the nerve to use this matter to flatter yourself all day long? Su Guang said disapprovingly.

Zhuang Mengdie's face turned red. Although the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion has always had such rumors, it is said that when Emperor Lingxu was not famous, he traveled to all the star regions in the Supreme Heaven, stayed in the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion for many days, and attained enlightenment in the Devil's Heart Valley and the Qingyuan Taoist Pond.

But at that time, Qingyuan Taoist masters were in great numbers, and young disciples from other Taoist star regions often came to ask for advice. The Qingyuan Taoist House neither objected nor paid attention to them. No one cared about their identities at all.

Emperor Lingxu was not well-known at that time. In fact, no one was sure whether he had ever been to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion or whether he had attained enlightenment in Demonic Heart Valley and Qingyuan Taoist Pond.

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