My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5836 5836 Are they just enjoying themselves?

They mention this matter from time to time, just because the Qingyuan Taoist House is getting weaker and weaker, and they need to use this matter to encourage their disciples and themselves. In the final analysis, he really used the title of Emperor Lingxu to put gold on his face.

"Every prince in the past dynasties has said this, how can it be false?" Chen Siyuan was not as thin-skinned as Zhuang Mengdie. Hearing Su Guang lose his prestige, he argued unconvinced.

"So what if it is true, Emperor Lingxu is not a disciple of our Qingyuan Taoist Palace, nor is he a guest minister, nor is he even a registered disciple. What does it have to do with us if he passes the test?

None of the disciples of the Qingyuan Taoist House passed all the tests, but an outsider did it. However, the whole Taoist house was blind and did not take the outsider seriously. However, I heard that some disciples looked down on others and made rude remarks beforehand. As for others who sneer away as soon as they pass the test. How glorious is it to talk about it in detail, and what is it worth showing off? "Speaking of this, Su Guang even disagreed.

In the past, when he was in huge debt and could not stand upright in front of anyone, how could he dare to talk to Zhuang and Chen like this. Now that he has become the biggest creditor of Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, he suddenly started to tremble. He could just say whatever he wanted to say, but how could he take the two masters seriously.

Hearing him talk about this, even Chen Siyuan was speechless.

According to the "History of Qingyuan Taoism", the Qingyuan Taoist Mansion was at its peak at that time, and the disciples in the mansion were indeed arrogant from top to bottom. Otherwise, if you had to be careful and keep a list of the young people who came to experience and seek Taoism, this matter would not be the same. It's not just a legend anymore.

It would be better if he could be a little more polite to the yet-to-be-famous Emperor Lingxu and forge a good relationship with him. Even though he died unexpectedly after unifying the Supreme Heaven, such great achievements are still unprecedented and unprecedented. With that kind of good fate, who dares to underestimate their Qingyuan Taoist House? How could the Qingyuan Taoist House end up in the current situation?

No wonder Su Guang was so dissatisfied when he brought up old things. Thinking of this, even they wanted to scold those Taoist seniors for being ignorant!

"Is it true that father has never been to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, and the so-called legend is just for their own enjoyment?" Gu Fenghua originally thought that his father had really been to Demon Heart Valley, but after hearing their argument, he couldn't help but become suspicious.

"Those who have been here have been here before. I was picked up by the Emperor of Heaven in the Devil's Heart Valley." Hearing the doubts in Gu Fenghua's heart, the vile spirit spoke again.

"Didn't you pick it up and refine it with your own hands?" Gu Fenghua asked in surprise.

"No, no, how could a clever Taoist weapon like me be made by man? I absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and was conceived from the great road of the ancient world.

It's just that when your father discovered me, my sword-shaped sword spirit had not yet fully matured, and I almost fell into the realm of calamity and would never recover. Fortunately, he has good qualifications. He helped me recast the sword body and condense the sword spirit with the True Flame of Taixu, and I slowly recovered.

By the way, your father left without saying goodbye after passing the test, and it was not because he was ridiculed by the Qingyuan Taoist Palace. How can a great emperor of heaven be so petty? At that time, I was actually looking for Daolingjin to help me condense the sword spirit, and I had no time to pay attention to them. "The sword spirit explained, her tone of voice showed great admiration for Emperor Lingxu, as if she was afraid that Gu Fenghua might misunderstand her father.

"The sword can also fall into the realm of calamity?" Gu Fenghua could not doubt his father's ambition, and was surprised when he heard this.

I thought that only cultivators, and those with extremely high cultivation levels, would fall into the path of calamity, but I didn't expect that the sword spirit would do the same.

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