My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5840 5840 We are just fighting

In mid-air, Zhuang Mengdie was holding Chen Siyuan's collar, and Chen Siyuan was holding his hair. The two of them were twisted into a ball, rolling around in the sky like a ball. The surrounding peaks were exposed as if they had been struck by thunder. There were huge potholes, rocks rolled down, and thunderous sounds were heard.

He is worthy of being a strong man at the peak of the ninth level of the Holy Saint. Even if they are pulled together like this, the two of them still fight vigorously. But apart from flying a little higher, this style of fighting is no different from a fight between gangsters in the market.

Looking more carefully, Zhuang Mengdie's eyes were hit with two big black circles. She looked like an iron-eating beast. The left cheek was still swollen, and she didn't know if she had any old teeth left. Drop a few. Chen Siyuan's nose was tilted to one side, and the left side of his face was also swollen.

Facts have proved that neither of the two Fuzheng masters are left-handed, and they are all right-handed.

"Stop! Everyone is gathering to fight, how unbecoming it is." Lin Yuantang shouted angrily.

As if the sound of a thunderous explosion echoed, the two Fu Zheng adults were shocked and finally regained some composure. They also realized that it was shameful to beat Gu Fenghua to a bloody head in front of him, so they stopped immediately.

After all, they were still focused on persuading Gu Fenghua to join their family. In front of her, it was still necessary to maintain the image of an elder.

"Two masters of the government gathered to fight in front of distinguished guests. Aren't you afraid of ruining the reputation of our Qingyuan Taoist government?" Seeing them stop, Lin Yuantang breathed a sigh of relief and asked sadly.

"We were just fighting, not gathering a crowd." Zhuang Mengdie defended.

If there is no crowd, will it be fine if there is no crowd? As a government official, wouldn't it look good to fight like gangsters in front of outsiders? Lin Yuantang stumbled and almost fell to the ground in anger at Zhuang Dafuzheng's words.

"Miss Gu, these two Masters Fu Zheng of Qingyuan Taoist House are a bit more outspoken. Don't make fun of me." Lin Yuantang ignored Zhuang Mengdie, turned around, and said to Gu Fenghua with a humble smile.

With their virtues and straightforwardness, you probably didn't know that they almost blew their skin just now. Gu Fenghua secretly slandered, but did not say it clearly. He just smiled lightly and said: "The two Fuzheng adults are indeed true-hearted. How can this junior laugh?"

"That's good, that's good. I heard that Miss Gu passed the seventh-level test of Demon Heart Valley. It's really rare to have such a character at such a young age. But no matter how good the qualifications are, they can't be wasted. I'm here to support you. I want to I wonder what Miss Gu thinks of accepting Miss Gu as a disciple and teaching her everything she has learned?" Lin Yuantang nodded as if he was relieved, and his smile became even gentler than jade.

Take on a disciple? Everyone looked at him with strange eyes: Could it be that Mr. Fujun still doesn't know why the two Fuzhengs started fighting?

"Miss Gu, aren't you willing? I admit that our Qingyuan Taoist House has declined a bit in recent years, but even a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. I think back then, our Qingyuan Taoist House was placed in all the major star fields in the supreme sky. Even if the Taoist mansion in Yiyi is in decline now, its background is not comparable to that of ordinary Taoist mansions.

As long as you are willing to join the sect of our Lord and devote yourself to cultivation in the future, you will definitely become a generation of genius who can be on par with Emperor Lingxu, or even surpass Emperor Lingxu and become the most powerful person in ancient and modern times. The ancients are not seen before, and the coming ones are not seen later. They live as long as the heaven and the earth, and shine as brightly as the sun and the moon. " Seeing that Gu Fenghua didn't speak and just looked at him with strange eyes, Lin Yuantang said in a very magnetic voice.

At the end of the sentence, his eyes sparkled, his tone became impassioned, and his whole body was filled with confidence and pride.

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