My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5841 5841 This face is really not something you can hide.

As a result, everyone's expressions became even weirder. As expected, the Lord Fu did not know why the two Fu Lords were fighting, nor did he know what they had just said. Even the words they said to persuade Gu Fenghua to become a disciple were so strikingly similar.

No, it’s not just as simple as the similarity. The Fu Lord is the Fu Lord. He is more confident than the two Fu Zhengs, can boast better, and dares to brag more.

At best, others can only catch up with Emperor Haokong, but he is better. He is superior to Emperor Lingxu from the very beginning. He is the Supreme Emperor of Heaven for all eternity. Is there anyone so easy to surpass?

Is this Lord Fu, who is not afraid of breaking the sky and unable to repair it, really the humble gentleman and moral gentleman that he met in the morning?

Also, why are the people from the Qingyuan Taoist House more capable and bolder than the others? The Qingyuan Taoist Mansion was in such a state of ruin. Could it be that they blew it down like this? Looking at Mr. Lin Dafu, who was full of confidence and impassioned, as if he was about to lose his breath at the next moment, the corners of Gu Fenghua's mouth began to twitch.

Seeing everyone's expressions getting more and more weird, Lin Yuantang finally realized that something was not right.

"Well, Lin Yuantang, you have been in seclusion all day long without even seeing a shadow. Today, when it comes to competing with us for apprentices, you run faster than anyone else!" Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan cursed angrily.

It’s just that he competes with us as apprentices, but he actually boasts more boldly than we do. Is Fu Jun so amazing?

"You also want to take Miss Gu as your disciple?" Lin Yuantang suddenly realized.

"Not only do they want to recruit prostitutes, but they also said almost what you just said. They have already blown the leather. No matter how much you brag, it will be useless." Su Guang said with a smirk on his face.

It is not a glorious thing to brag in front of so many people, but to actually take out the bullshit that others have blown and brag again. Lord Fu, this is a huge loss of face. He will probably be in seclusion for several years. I'm too embarrassed to come out to meet people.

Uh... Sure enough, the gentle and gentle smile on Lin Yuantang's face froze, and his neck turned red with embarrassment.

In front of so many people, it is quite embarrassing to brag about something that has been blown away long ago! Lin Yuantang really wanted to cover his face with his sleeves and turn around and leave, but thinking that Gu Fenghua in front of him was the last straw for Qingyuan Taoist House, he was really unwilling to give up just now.

"Miss Gu, although what I just said is a bit exaggerated, the profound foundation of our Qingyuan Taoist House is indeed unparalleled by ordinary Taoist houses. As long as you are willing to join our Taoist House, your future achievements will be limitless and you will avoid many detours. . Cultivation is only about one day and one day, you can't waste it." Soon, Lin Yuantang calmed down and advised with sincerity.

A little exaggerated? Think about it for yourself, is it really just a little... exaggerated?

Gu Fenghua had to secretly admire him: "Look, look, Fu Jun is Fu Jun. This self-restraint, determination, and face are really not something to hide." In just a few breaths, his composure was as good as before. One moment, his face was red to the root of his neck. In the blink of an eye, nothing happened.

"Lin Yuantang, are you so shameless that you want to snatch the disciple we like?" Zhuang Mengdie cursed angrily, fearing that Gu Fenghua would be persuaded by Lin Yuantang.

"Everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Are you embarrassed that you, the great master, are trying to steal our disciples from us?" Chen Siyuan also scolded angrily.

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