My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5842 5842 The most shameless person

"Two gentlemen, I am also thinking about Feng Hua. I don't want to see her go astray and her great qualifications go to waste." Lin Yuantang explained calmly.

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that he has gone astray by joining our sect!" Hearing his words, the two Fuzheng masters became even more furious.

"No matter how strong you are, you are only at the peak of the ninth level of the Holy Saint. How can you be stronger than us?" Before he could speak, Zhuang Mengdie continued to curse.

"I remember when I was promoted to the Holy Saint, you didn't know where to play in the mud, but you dared to stick a green onion in your nose in front of me and pretend to be an elephant!" Chen Siyuan also scolded.

It seems that Mr. Fu Zheng is quite nostalgic and can't forget about peeing in the mud, and he always talks about it.

"When I first saw you, you were still wearing crotchless pants with your crotch exposed. Now that you are a prince, you dare not take me seriously." Zhuang Mengdie continued to scold. It seems that Mr. Fu Zheng is also nostalgic.

"Gentlemen, be careful! How can you, a gentleman with high moral standards and high prestige, judge a gentleman with a villain's heart? Don't say any more. My actions today are not intended to be disrespectful to you, but I wholeheartedly serve Miss Gu. Thinking about it, this heart can be learned from the world!" Lin Yuantang's face, which had just returned to normal, was turned red by the two scoldings, his face darkened, and he said righteously.

Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan were still moving their mouths, but no sound came out.

Gu Fenghua's eyes lit up. At the same time Lin Yuantang said these words, she clearly felt that a restriction appeared on Zhuang and Chen. This restriction is not grand, but it is very similar to the restriction of heaven and earth.

Could it be that this is the way of the Supreme Heaven, the way that the most holy and powerful must understand and practice!

"Miss Gu, I have convinced the two Fuzheng adults with my virtue. You see, they have no objections. Now you can feel free to accept me as your teacher." Lin Yuantang showed a warm smile again, He looked at Gu Fenghua eagerly.

Gu Fenghua looked at Mr. Lin Dafu speechlessly, feeling cold sweat dripping down his forehead: What does it mean to convince people with virtue, what does it mean to convince two Fu Zheng masters... Please, you are obviously suppressing me with restraints. Is it okay if others can’t speak? Where is your moral integrity? Where is your moral integrity?

What kind of humble gentleman, what kind of moral gentleman? Hallucinations, all hallucinations!

The fifth lady of the Gu family finally realized that this master was the most shameless person in the Qingyuan Taoist House.

"Huh..." Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan were also very angry at Lin Yuantang's shameless sanctimony. Although they couldn't make a sound, they could move. As if they had agreed upon it, one punched Chen Yuantang's nose and the other slapped his cheek.

"Alas, a gentleman talks but does not take action. You are the official of the government after all. Please pay attention to your status in front of distinguished guests, okay?" Lin Yuantang didn't expect that they were so disrespectful in front of so many disciples and outsiders, and he was almost killed. They were caught off guard, scurrying away and shouting.

Upon hearing this, the two Fuzheng masters were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood: "A gentleman can talk but not take action, so we must be able to talk." Shameless, really shameless.

In a hurry, the two of them didn't care whether the government was upright or not, and they punched and kicked Lin Yuantang one after another.

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