My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5843 5843 So we won’t fight?

The previous one-on-one duel between the two was indeed not a mob fight, but now the two were fighting one, it was really a mob brawl... Oh no, it was not a mob fight, it was a mob beating.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Soon, three figures were seen rising into the air, twisting into a ball in mid-air, floating around like a big rubber ball.

The surrounding mountain peaks were knocked into deep craters, and huge boulders rolled down, making a thunderous sound.

"It's so shameless. How can the dignified Lord be so despicable and shameless? You two Lords, please don't be polite to him.

Yes, yes, that's it, poke his eye sockets, pull his hair, kick him..." There was dead silence all around, everyone was dumbfounded, except Su Guang who jumped up and down, cheering for the two Fuzheng adults.

Gu Fenghua felt a chill in his heart, took a few steps back, glanced at him with disgust, and secretly proved to the sky: I don't know him, I really didn't know him before, and I'm not familiar with him now, not at all.

Although Lin Yuantang's understanding of Taoism was stronger than that of the two Fu Zhengs, the Taoism he understood obviously did not have any decent practical ability. After Zhuang and Chen "gathered a crowd" to beat him, his robe was quickly torn. , the hairpin was knocked off, the hair was disheveled and the eyes were blue, and there were a few big footprints left on the buttocks by someone unknown.

In that embarrassment, there is no trace of the gentleness of a humble gentleman or the detachment of a moral gentleman.

As for the majesty of Lord Fu... well, he seems to have never had it.

"No fight, no fight. This is a major matter related to the rise and fall of our Qingyuan Taoist government. Do you really want to ruin the Taoist government's long-term plan for your own selfish interests?" Zhuang Mengdie punched her in the nose again. Lin Yuantang, who was seeing stars flying in front of his eyes, couldn't bear the pain anymore. He gave Lin Siyuan a hard kick, jumped out of the ring and roared loudly.

Zhuang and Chen stopped when they heard this. They wanted to take Gu Fenghua as a disciple. Although they had the idea of ​​mentoring and apprenticeship, they mainly thought about the Qingyuan Taoist House. They did not want to be like those Taoist predecessors tens of thousands of years ago. Big mistake.

If they were looked down upon by Gu Fenghua due to internal strife and were unwilling to join the Qingyuan Taoist House, it would be too late for them to regret it.

"No fight, so we won't fight?" Su Guang saw the excitement and didn't take it too seriously. He curled his lips and muttered with a disappointed look on his face.

"You still say! This is a major matter related to the rise and fall of our Qingyuan Taoist House. It's fine if you don't speak for us. You still have the nerve to make sarcastic remarks." Lin Yuantang calmed down and was grabbed by the two officials like a chicken coop. His hair was messy and he glared at him angrily.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to talk nonsense anymore. After all, don't you just think that Fenghua will be a blockbuster in the future, and want to win over her in advance and get some glory?" Su Guang waved his hand and said straightforwardly.

"Hmph." His little thought was revealed by his words. One of the princes and two ministers felt a little embarrassed, but they did not refute, they just snorted softly to save face.

"But it's a shame that you dare to boast that you are better than Emperor Haokong and Emperor Lingxu. Do you believe it? Ask yourselves, with your qualifications and strength, are you embarrassed to accept others as your disciples? You are not afraid of spreading the word and causing trouble. What a joke." Su Guang said with disdain.

After hearing this, several people lowered their heads in shame. The cultivation level at the peak of the ninth level of the Holy Saint is not considered weak in the Supreme Heaven. From the perspective of ordinary Taoist disciples, he can be called a genius. However, as the master of the mansion, he really has nothing to show off.

With Gu Fenghua's qualifications, if he really became their disciple, his pearl would be covered in dust.

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