My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5868 5868 turned into a butterfly in a dream

"I'm afraid we don't have much time left by Zhengyang Taoist House. This time we came to Zhengyang Taoist House to escort Junior Sister Fenghua to participate in the Qingyuan Taoist training, and we must not cause any extraneous problems. No matter how they provoke us, we will I can only endure it for now.

When we are promoted to saints in the future, we will have our revenge! "After a moment of silence, Lin Yuantang continued.

These words are a reminder to myself and others. Especially Zhuang Mengdie, among all the people, he has the most temper, and his tendency to roll up his sleeves is the most worrisome.

"Don't worry, Lord Fu, we know the importance." Chen Siyuan said cautiously, and Zhuang Mengdie also nodded, with an unusually solemn expression.

"What is the strength of Zhengyang Daofu?" Gu Fenghua couldn't help but ask.

"Cao Fangyi, the fifth rank of Hua Sheng; Zheng Pang Lingqing of the Left Mansion, the third rank of Hua Sheng; Zhu Lu, the right man of the Right Mansion, the third rank of Hua Sheng; Kou Chuchen, the prison supervisor, the fourth rank of Hua Sheng. Now add He Xinda, the first rank of Hua Sheng, for a total of five A strong man in the realm of fame and sainthood." Lin Yuantang said in a deep voice.

Gu Fenghua took another breath. There were actually five saints in the Zhengyang Taoist House. No wonder they were so arrogant. They didn't take Qingyuan Taoist House seriously at all, and even bullied Lin Yuantang and others blatantly and unscrupulously.

Involuntarily, she looked at Lin Yuantang and the others with complex eyes: It is also a Taoist government, in charge of a star field, and others have five saints, but you have none. Isn't it too embarrassing?

"Junior sister Fenghua, don't underestimate us.

You just heard Cao Fangyi say that our qualifications are not bad. It is just because the Qingyuan Taoist House has been in decline for many years and there are insufficient training resources that we have been unable to be promoted to the Holy Saint.

As long as we practice diligently, we will be promoted to Sainthood sooner or later. At that time, let’s see if Zhengyang Taoism still has the guts to bully us. "Faintly seeing the contempt in Gu Fenghua's eyes, Zhuang Mengdie said unconvinced.

"Oh." Gu Fenghua responded perfunctorily, but secretly cursed in his heart:

Look at how old you are. I guess you worked hard when you were young. You should have been promoted to the Holy Saint long ago. You haven't been able to succeed until now. What's the use of being diligent? Just comforting myself.

"I'm serious. Over the years, I have been carefully studying the supreme magic passed down from my ancestors. Once I am done, I will be able to understand the Tao and be promoted to a saint. It will not be difficult to even become a powerful Taoist saint in the future." Although Gu Fenghua She concealed it very well, but Zhuang Mengdie still caught the disapproval in her eyes, and explained anxiously.

"Yes, if I can understand the mysterious realm of my ancestors, I can also enlighten the Tao overnight, become a saint, and be promoted to a Taoist saint. It will not be difficult." Chen Siyuan also said with confidence.

"Supreme magic?" Gu Fenghua was a little curious after hearing them all say that.

"It is said that the ancestor of the Zhuang family once transformed into a butterfly in a dream and realized the great truth overnight. Since then, his cultivation has been rapid, and he has been easily promoted to the Saint Transformation. Later, he has cultivated to the peak of the ninth level of the Saint Transformation.

It was just bad luck that when he broke through the last bottleneck, he was trapped in the Dao of Tribulation and failed to be promoted to Dao Saint. But even so, he became famous in the sky and became one of the strongest men in the history of our Qingyuan Taoist House. "Su Guang explained helpfully.

Zhuang Mengdie held her head high and showed pride on her face.

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