"I transformed into a butterfly in my dream and realized enlightenment overnight. Is there really such a mysterious method of cultivation in the world?" Gu Fenghua was amazed, but also a little doubtful.

"There shouldn't be any lies. Zhuang Fuzheng has been studying the ancestral mind skills for these years, and specifically changed his name to Mengdie for this reason." Su Guang said seriously.

"What about the result? Did you realize anything?" Gu Fenghua asked curiously.

"I heard that butterflies often dream about them. Sometimes they wake up in the middle of the night and flap their wings. But I don't know if he has gained any insights. I only know that his cultivation is still the same." Su Guang finally couldn't stand it any longer. , "Puff" laughed out loud.

"Who said I flapped my wings? Which of your eyes saw me flap my wings? I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night to practice my palm skills." Zhuang Mengdie's face turned red and he argued.

"I really saw it with my own eyes. You were sleepwalking at night, flying around all over the Taoist mansion. While flying, you were flapping your wings like this. Practicing palm techniques... Is there such a palm technique in the world?" Su Guang said, While flapping his arms up and down. My old waist also swayed and twisted, fully displaying the lightness and softness that I wanted to ride back on the wind.

It's really hard for him. At such an old age, he can actually assume such a soft and enchanting posture. Gu Fenghua broke into a bad sweat.

Next to them, Lin Yuantang and Chen Siyuan lowered their heads at the same time, but their faces kept twitching.

It seems that Su Guang was not the only one to see the scene where Zhuang Dafu was sleepwalking and turning into a butterfly.

"Su... Guang!" Zhuang Mengdie was so ashamed that she finally suppressed the thought of hitting him to death, and angrily grabbed Su Guang's neck.

"Uh...let it go. I'm not the only one who saw it. There's no point in killing people and silencing them. Let it go. Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore. Just let it go." Su Guang pinched his fingers and tried desperately. Struggled, the two became entangled.

"Stop making trouble, no matter how old you are, you still fight and make trouble, and you are not afraid of letting Junior Sister Fenghua see the joke." Lin Yuantang resisted the urge to laugh wildly and forcibly separated the two.

"What about Senior Brother Chen? What kind of magical method is this?" Gu Fenghua was not as well-mannered as him, and he was out of breath from laughing. After finally regaining his breath, he asked curiously.

"It is said that my ancestor also achieved enlightenment in his sleep and became a strong man at the peak of the ninth level of sainthood. However, he did not dream of anything. Instead, he could practice in his dreams, and his cultivation speed was ten times and dozens of times faster than usual. Even more than a hundred times." Chen Siyuan took the initiative to say it without asking Su Guang to do it for him.

"It's still like this!" Gu Fenghua was even more surprised. She can practice while sleeping, and the speed is a hundred times faster than usual. She can't even dream of such a happy practice method. Hmm...Eun-en must like it very much.

Poor Miss Luo was on the receiving end of a gun again.

"The legend should not be false. It took thousands of years for the ancestors of the Chen family to cultivate to the holy realm. But after that, they slept for a long time every day, but it only took a few hundred years to reach the highest level. The peak of the ninth level of the Saint has caused a sensation in the entire Supreme Heaven. By the way, it should be recorded in the "Heavenly Records", I'm afraid you haven't paid attention." Su Guang said.

Hearing this, Gu Fenghua also remembered that there was indeed such a record in "Tianlu": a certain senior strong man practiced in a dream and made rapid progress in hundreds of years to become a strong man. However, she only thought it was a casual talk at the time and did not take it seriously. She did not expect that the legend was actually true. The strong man was the ancestor of the Chen family.

The Supreme Heaven is the Supreme Heaven, and even the methods of cultivation are so strange.

"Did Senior Brother Chen realize anything?" Gu Fenghua asked with interest.

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