My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5870 5870 It’s time to give them a promise

"If he really wants to realize something, can he still be as good as he is now? He has been sleeping a lot these years. Look at his swollen eyes. It turns out that this is not the case. They are all from sleeping too much." Su Guang He curled his lips and pointed at Chen Siyuan's big, swollen eyes.

Then, Chen Dafuzheng also lowered his head, revealing his neck that was as red as a boiled prawn.

"It's okay. Maybe the opportunity hasn't come yet. It'll be fine if I get more sleep." Gu Fenghua comforted her kindly, with sympathy in her eyes.

In order to advance to become a saint, one of them thought about turning into butterflies in his dreams all day long, thinking of demons, and sleepwalked in the middle of the night, imitating butterflies flying all over the sky; the other relied on practicing in his dreams, and slept soundly for many years, until his eyes were filled with sleep. Swollen eyes. Thinking about it carefully, she felt sad for these two Fuzheng adults.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore. It's getting late. Everyone has been working hard all the way, so it's better to rest early." Lin Yuantang put down the palm on his forehead and said to everyone.

It's getting late... Please, it's just after noon, okay? It was still hard work. It only took less than two hours to get from Qingyuan Taoist Mansion to Zhengyang Taoist Mansion. Ordinary people would not find it hard, let alone the most holy person.

Obviously, Lin Yuantang didn't want Zhuang and Chen to be too embarrassed.

"Senior brothers, when I succeed in my cultivation, I will not mistreat Qingyuan Taoist House, let alone you. Qingyuan Taoist House will definitely regain its former glory and become the top Taoist House in the Supreme Heaven. Qianqiu It will last forever!" Gu Fenghua put away his smile and said seriously to Lin Yuantang and the others.

When Cao Fangyi tried to win over her just now, she could clearly see the worry and nervousness on the faces of Lin Yuantang and others. No matter how stupid she is, she can still think of what they are worried about, not to mention she is not stupid at all.

And at this moment, after learning about the seemingly ridiculous efforts made by the two Fuzheng adults to advance to the Sanctuary, she felt more deeply the current embarrassment of the Qingyuan Taoist House, and she couldn't help but feel sad for it.

She knew that it was time to give them a promise, otherwise they would be unable to feel at ease because they would be unable to eat and sleep at night.

Looking at the few people sincerely, her eyes showed undeniable strong self-confidence. Every word was like a giant hammer, hitting the hearts of Lin Yuantang and the others.

"Fenghua..." Lin Yuantang and others were startled at first, and then, the corners of their eyes gradually became moist, but a happy smile appeared on their faces.

Six thousand two hundred and forty-seven pieces of high-grade Taoist spirit gold are worth it!

Outside the door of the guest courtyard, Cao Fangyi stood for a long time, then let out a long sigh of relief, turned around and left with a gloomy face.

"Come out, please?" When he came to an ancient pavilion, he stopped and said in a deep voice.

The light and shadow flashed before the eyes, and three old men appeared out of nowhere. They were the left and right officials and supervisors of the Zhengyang Taoist House. The middle-aged man who was one position behind and bowed slightly was the Taoist deacon He Xinda.

"What do you think?" Cao Fangyi asked.

"In the past hundred years, Lin Yuantang's strength has not improved much, Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan have also stopped making progress, and Su Guang has nothing to worry about. According to Mr. Fujun's plan, it would not be difficult to convince them with more effort. ." Pang Lingqing, the leader of Zuofu, said thoughtfully. From the tone of his voice, it was obvious that he still had something to say.

"But the problem is that now that Gu Fenghua has appeared, this matter will not be easy to handle." Zhu Lu, the principal of the right government, added following his tone.

"Yes, as a palace supervisor, it is indeed difficult for her to push forward this matter, but if she strongly opposes it, even if we persuade Lin Yuantang and others, it will still be useless." Palace Supervisor Kou Chuchen said with a frown.

As a government superintendent, he is of course the most aware of this job where "success is insufficient and failure is more than sufficient".

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