My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5871 5871 We still have to start with her

"I see that Gu Fenghua is young. Although he got into the position of prisoner by some damn luck, he may not be able to convince the public. Lin Yuantang and others have been in high positions for a long time, so they may not really be controlled by her." He Xin Da said sourly.

He was promoted to become a saint, and he was a close disciple of the previous Fu Lord. He was qualified enough to serve as a supervisor in any Taoist house, but he was born in Zhengyang Taoist House, and there was Kou Chuchen, a senior brother who was second only to the Fu Lord in strength. , before Kou Chuchen passed away, he would never have a chance to succeed.

And Gu Fenghua was young, and judging from the energy faintly exuding from his body, it was obvious that he had been promoted to the Supreme Saint not long ago, and he actually took the position of supervisor of the Qingyuan Taoist Palace. Even if the Qingyuan Taoist House declines, it is still a Taoist House after all. In terms of status alone, he is not comparable to a Taoist deacon.

When He Xinda first met Gu Fenghua, he didn't take it seriously and didn't even look at her. Now that he knew her identity, he felt envious, jealous and hateful at the same time. He felt inexplicably guilty when he mentioned her. Blocking.

"Don't you understand?" Cao Fangyi shook his head and said, "Lin Yuantang and the others accepted disciples as teachers and were willing to give up their positions as palace supervisors that had been idle for many years. Obviously they valued her very much. Are they willing to be controlled by Gu Fenghua? , in fact, they are still secondary.

The important thing is that they have placed all their hopes on Gu Fenghua. If nothing changes, under our constant pressure over the years, they will finally have no choice but to merge into our Zhengyang Daofu.

But now that Gu Fenghua has appeared, they have hope again. It will not be so easy to get them to submit. "

"If I had known this, Mr. Fu Jun should not have stopped me just now. As long as old man Zhuang is provoked to take action, we will use this as an excuse to kill him. Wouldn't it be better to directly destroy Qingyuan Daofu? Why bother? "Only then did He Xinda realize that he had thought things too simply, and couldn't help complaining.

"Nonsense! Do you think the Dao Mansion under Lord Tianweixing are really convinced by our Zhengyang Dao Mansion? They are just weak in strength and have their own selfish motives. They dare not or are unwilling to break up with us.

Over the years, Qingyuan Daofu has been controlled by Zhengyang Daofu in every aspect, and many Taoists have secretly fought for them. You humiliate them a few words, and others can't say much, but if you really want to take action, do you think those old foxes can't see our intentions?

If public anger is aroused and nineteen of them join forces, do you think we can save Zhengyang Daofu with just the five of us? "Cao Fangyi shouted heavily.

The sullen feeling that Gu Fenghua was choking on all the time also spread to He Xinda.

This was the first time He Xinda saw Mr. Fu Jun so angry. He shrank his neck and didn't dare to say anything anymore.

"Master Fujun, what do you think our next step should be?" Kou Chuchen asked.

"Alas, good things take a long time to come. How come such a change occurs in such a good situation?" Zhu Lu said with a sigh.

It can be seen that this Lord Fu Zheng is not a man who likes to use his brain.

"The person who tied the bell needs to be tied to the bell. Since the variable lies in Gu Fenghua, I think we have to start with her." Cao Fangyi did not speak, but Pang Lingqing said thoughtfully.

"Pang Fuzheng is right, if you want to facilitate this matter, you still have to start with Gu Fenghua.

As long as she can be used by our Zhengyang Daofu, not only can Lin Yuantang and the others be restrained in every possible way, but they can also cut off their last thoughts.

People, sometimes they just rely on one breath to hold on. Once that breath is released, they can no longer hold on. "Cao Fangyi smiled slightly and said confidently.

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