My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5883 5883 She must be crazy!

In order to get these three Dao Body Pills, the masters of their respective houses almost fought for their lives, and now they even had to surrender to the Zhengyang Taoist House against their will. This Gu Fenghua was so kind, and someone else delivered the goods to her door, but she was so stupid that she didn't react at all.

"Hurry up, hurry up and say thank you. In a moment, the governor Kou will change his mind and you won't even have a chance to regret it." Others stretched their necks and stared at the three Taoist pills in front of Gu Fenghua.

Looking at this posture, if Gu Fenghua doesn't say thank you or accept the Dao Body Pill, he will rush forward to do it for him.

Hearing everyone's urging, Lin Yuantang and Zhuang Mengdie felt mixed emotions. They were angry, helpless, aggrieved, and uneasy. They did not dare to look into Gu Fenghua's eyes.

"I can refine the Dao Body Pill myself, what do I need from him?" Gu Fenghua finally spoke, but the words he spoke were like a huge stone falling from the sky, smashing into the calm lake, causing thousands of feet of waves.

She, what is she talking about, she can refine Tao Body Pill by herself?

This is a third-grade Tao elixir. Even an elixir wizard like Kou Chuchen and a strong person in the realm of sainthood have to refine it extremely hard. How could she refine it?

Everyone stared at Gu Fenghua blankly, almost suspecting that there was something wrong with their ears, and even their minds were confused.

However, Gu Fenghua's next move made them quickly regain their consciousness.

"Thank you for your kindness. You should keep these breaking pills for yourself." Gu Fenghua waved his hand and "drove" the three Dao Body Pills back to Kou Chuchen like flies.

Crazy, she must be crazy! Seeing Gu Fenghua's contemptuous expression, everyone had the same thought in their hearts.

This is the Dao Body Pill, the Dao Body Pill. Even a third-level alchemy master may not be able to refine the body elixir, but you actually called it a breaking elixir!

Well, we know that your Qingyuan Taoist House and Zhengyang Taoist House are feuding. It’s understandable that you don’t want to be eaten by them, but you can’t tell lies without conscience.

More importantly, if you don't want such a precious Dao Body Pill, you can give it to us. Just throw it back like garbage. Do you know that our hearts are bleeding?

Lin Yuantang and Zhuang Mengdie were also surprised, but unlike the others who were heartbroken, they raised their heads and stared at Gu Fenghua in a daze, their eyes red with emotion and their eye sockets moist.

If it were them, faced with such an inducement from Kou Chuchen, of course they would justly refuse, but don't forget that they themselves are disciples of the Qingyuan Taoist House, and even the Qingyuan family. They refused to be bribed by the Zhengyang Taoist House. It's just a matter of duty.

But Gu Fenghua is different. Although he is the supervisor of the palace, he has only been in Qingyuan Daofu for more than half a month. How much affection can he have for Qingyuan Daofu?

Asking themselves, if they were in Gu Fenghua's position, it would be difficult for them to refuse Kou Chuchen's "kindness".

"What are you talking about! Have you seen clearly what kind of Dao elixir I am refining?" Kou Chuchen himself was shocked by Gu Fenghua's words. It took him a while to come back to his senses and asked angrily.

"You see clearly, it's not just the Tao Body Pill, it's also one Xuan Rank and two Yellow Ranks." Gu Fenghua curled his lips and said.

What does "still have one Xuan rank and two yellow ranks" mean? The word "still" seems to be full of contempt? Kou Chuchen raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and his expression became even more ugly.

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