My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5884 5884 Don’t make random jokes like this

"Okay, okay, I just heard you say that you can also refine this body elixir. Today I will open my eyes.

If you succeed in practicing it, I will have nothing to say. But if you can't practice it, huh..." Kou Chuchen sneered after saying this, with a strong look flashing in his eyes.

In order to completely wipe out the Qingyuan Taoist government and eliminate future troubles for his own Taoist government, he took the initiative to show his kindness to Gu Fenghua. In fact, he was condescending. Unexpectedly, Gu Fenghua did not appreciate it at all.

It's okay to be ungrateful, but he actually dared to call the Dao Body Pill he had worked so hard to refine as a Po Pill. You have to be honest, how can you confuse right and wrong and tell lies with your eyes open like this?

Superintendent Kou was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Noticing the stern look in his eyes, the strong men from all the provinces felt their hearts tremble.

Each Daofu Prefecture has the post of Supervisor, who oversees the disciples and supervises the Lord. He specializes in correcting illegal things. On weekdays, even the Lord and the Lord have to give him three points. Therefore, in all major mansions, the tempers of the governors are not very good, and Kou Chuchen is famous for being selfless and cold-blooded.

Gu Fenghua refused his kindness just to refute his face, but actually reduced the Taoist elixir he had worked so hard to refine to nothing. For someone like Kou Chuchen, this was no different than spitting on his face in public. He was not an eminent monk, and he did not have the kind of self-restraint to do it in public.

It would be fine if Gu Fenghua could really refine the Dao Body Pill today, but if she couldn't... Unless she gave Qingyuan Taoist Master a hard slap in the face with her backhand in front of everyone, betrayed her master, and joined the Zhengyang Taoist School honestly, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave this place completely.

"Junior sister Fenghua, how can you make such a joke casually!" Chen Siyuan also knew the seriousness of the situation, and didn't even bother to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes. He said to Gu Fenghua anxiously, while winking desperately. .

"Yes, yes, this kind of joke should not be made casually. Junior sister Fenghua just said it as a joke. Don't take it seriously. Don't take it seriously." Zhuang Mengdie also laughed to smooth things over.

Although they were deeply moved by Gu Fenghua's actions just now, and at the same time they vented their anger, they also knew that Gu Fenghua had offended Kou Chuchen terribly this time, and if they didn't fool him quickly, it might not end well.

"You can take random medicines, but can you say random words? Besides, I think what the governor just said doesn't seem to be a joke." It's a pity that Kou Chuchen could not be fooled by them so easily.

He smiled faintly, picked up the tea cup and blew away the foam slowly, looking at the calm and calm appearance, but his eyes were even colder.

"Kou Mansion Supervisor, Feng Hua is young and energetic, and sometimes she speaks inappropriately. I apologize to you for what happened just now. I also hope that the Palace Supervisor has a lot of experience and does not want to be the same as the younger generation." Lin Yuantang does not look like Zhuang on the surface. Chen and Chen were so anxious, but they were even more worried in their hearts. They forced a forced smile on their faces and said to Kou Chuchen.

"If it is an ordinary disciple who is young and energetic and talks nonsense, I really don't want to be the same as him. I can just leave it to your Qingyuan Taoist family to teach you. But Gu Fujian is not an ordinary disciple. As a palace supervisor, there is nothing he can do. Don’t you know what you can’t do, what you can and can’t say?” Kou Chuchen held the teacup in his hand, still looking unhurried, but not reluctant.

Needless to say, everyone knows that today's matter is difficult to resolve. Unless Gu Fenghua gives Kou Chuchen an explanation, he will never let it go.

Looking at Gu Fenghua's young and beautiful face, many palace officials showed sympathy and regret in their eyes.

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