My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5886 5886 Of course he would not think of it at the moment

"There is still a missing piece of Qijidao Shenghua." Gu Fenghua said, looking a little inexplicably melancholy when he spoke.

When she was in Wuji Holy Heaven, she took the Spirit Heart Pure Land medicine garden with her. It was filled with exotic flowers and herbs that she collected from Tianji Continent to Wuji Holy Heaven. She never had to worry about medicinal materials when she needed to make elixirs. Over time, it becomes a habit.

It's still a short time since I reached the Supreme Heaven, and I haven't changed my habits yet. It feels a bit weird to suddenly encounter a situation where the medicinal materials are not available.

"Junior sister Fenghua, can you really refine Taoist elixirs?" Lin Yuantang asked.

Until now, they had not been able to fully recover from the shock caused by Gu Fenghua's previous words, and their eyes were full of suspicion.

"If the refining fails, then the old man will have to eat me alive?" Gu Fenghua said mockingly to himself.

She was joking, but others didn't believe that she could refine the Tao Body Pill. When they heard this, they naturally thought that she was a dead horse and a living horse doctor. She had no choice but to bite the bullet if she could not succeed. Went to practice.

"Then let's think of a way." Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie and others didn't want to pour cold water on her. Although their expressions became darker, they didn't say much and just looked at the long tables in the surrounding houses.

Unfortunately, after looking around, there was no sign of Qiji Daoshenghua.

"I happen to have a Qijie Daosheng flower on me. You can take it and use it." Han Daocheng, Han Mansion Junyue, who was next to him, felt more and more regretful for Gu Fenghua. He sighed secretly and took out a Qijie Daosheng flower and handed it to Gu Fenghua.

"Thank you Mr. Han Fu. I'll borrow this Qiji Daosheng flower for a while, and I will definitely return it twice as much in the future." Gu Fenghua took the Qiji Daosheng flower and said gratefully.

In the future... Han Daocheng doubted whether she would have a future. As for double repayment or something, he wouldn't even think about it.

At this time, Han Daocheng certainly did not expect how much surprise this Qiji Daosheng flower would bring him, and how much reward it would bring him.

After finishing sorting the Dao Lingcao one by one, Gu Fenghua made his fingerprints.

After all, this was her first time refining the third-grade Taoist elixir, and seeing how much everyone valued the Taoist elixir, she would certainly not be as casual as before, and her hand seals would be unusually slow.

But despite this, as the slender and white fingers continue to change, the elixir fire sways out, still giving people a fresh, ethereal and elegant beauty.

"Could she really be able to refine Tao Body Pills?" Someone said in surprise.

"Don't tell me, looking at her hand seals so skillfully, she has a vague feeling of being a natural master. Maybe she can really make it." As the chief supervisor of the Lord's Mansion, everyone present has good eyesight. , someone’s eyes immediately lit up and they said expectantly.

"If she can really refine it, wouldn't we be blessed?" Hearing this, the young disciples also became excited.

Qingyuan Taoist House is different from Zhengyang Taoist House. When it was at its peak, although it was a bit arrogant, it was extremely tolerant towards other Taoist houses. From time to time, it opened the Devil's Heart Valley and Qingyuan Taoist Pond for disciples of each house to practice, even from the lower realm. Practitioners come to ask for help, but they will not refuse.

As time went by in recent years, the Qingyuan Taoist House lost its pretentiousness, and its relationship with other Taoist houses became closer. If Gu Fenghua can really refine the Tao Body Pill, and they are so kind to each other, she will definitely not refuse.

"Looking at her like this, she has indeed practiced the art of alchemy, and her attainments are not low. However, it is not that easy to refine Taoist elixirs." However, not everyone is as unrealistic as them. Some people shook their heads and poured cold water on them.

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