The person who spoke was none other than Yan Cangshui, the Lord of Cangyun Daofu who was the first to seek refuge in Zhengyang Daofu.

"That's true. The Taoist Pill is not an ordinary Taoist pill. Even a third-grade Taoist pill master may not be able to refine it. The Gu Mansion Supervisor is so young that he has no such ability." The next person to pour cold water on was Ling. Mu Xiuxuan, the Lord of Yundao Mansion.

They had just surrendered to the Zhengyang Taoist House in front of everyone. Naturally, they had the same hatred as Kou Chuchen. How could they let Gu Fenghua stand out in the limelight?

"Besides, if she was really confident, how could she not be so confident just now." Liang Guanxia, ​​the master of Zixia Taoist House who also took refuge in Zhengyang Taoist House, also said.

After hearing what they all said, and then thinking about Gu Fenghua's "lack of confidence" self-deprecation just now, everyone's expressions dimmed, and the fire of hope in their eyes quickly extinguished.

At this moment, as if confirming their judgment, Gu Fenghua suddenly paused with his handprints, and the originally swaying weapon fire became motionless as if time had stopped.

"Look, look, I told you, Tao Body Pill is not that easy to practice." Yan Cangshui said without missing a chance.

"Hahahaha, you just started practicing and you can't continue practicing? At such a young age, you dare to speak arrogant words in front of me, Kou Chuchen. It would be better if you learn a lesson early, so as not to offend people who shouldn't be offended in the future. I know." Kou Chuchen laughed loudly.

"Who said Fenghua can't refine it anymore? Fenghua is just trying to understand the method of alchemy carefully to see if he can improve it and raise the level when he makes the elixir." Su Guang rolled his eyes and defended Gu Fenghua unconvincedly. .

Although Gu Fenghua's current situation seems a bit bad, when he lost everything in his life, he had never been taken advantage of by anyone. He had always been a tough talker, so how could he let his enemies run rampant.

Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie, and Chen Siyuan knew about Su Guang's problem, and they all lowered their heads in shame upon hearing this.

People from other houses couldn't bear to look directly at him, and they all looked away from Gu Fenghua: Do you really think that we are blind, can't we see that Gu Fenghua has exhausted his skills? Also improve the quality. It would be nice if she could practice smoothly to the end without blowing up the furnace and shattering her bones.

But Gu Fenghua himself was startled when he heard this, and was surprised: the old gambler must have very good eyesight, he could see it all.

He had been cautious before and spent a lot of time checking the alchemy furnace to prepare the spiritual grass, but when it came time to start refining it, Gu Fenghua discovered that refining the body elixir was much easier than he had imagined.

In fact, it is no wonder that her brothers are the legendary Four Saints of Heaven. They are under the jurisdiction of the Emperor of Heaven on the surface, but in fact they are not under the Emperor of Heaven in terms of status. The method of refining alchemy that they taught her step by step was considered to be a peerless miraculous skill in the supreme heaven.

Although the Demonic Wood Cauldron has not yet been promoted to a Taoist weapon, it has also entered the realm of Taoism. Its spiritual power is definitely comparable to that of an ordinary divine weapon, the Dan Furnace, and refining Taoist pills is twice the result with half the effort.

Refining the Dao Body Pill is difficult. In the end, it is because the birth time is too short and the refining method is not perfect enough. However, its grade is only third grade after all, so how can it be difficult to defeat her.

The reason why she stopped was because she suddenly realized that something was wrong with the next handprint. According to this hand seal, although it is possible to refine Tao Body Pills, the final success rate will definitely not be high, and the grade will be the same as Kou Chuchen's. No matter how he refines it, it will be a black-level and yellow-level elixir slag.

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