My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5888 5888 Okay, let’s bet!

How could the dignified fifth lady of the Gu family, a first-generation elixir master from the Infinite Holy Heaven, be able to refine a bunch of elixir residue like that bad old man? That would not only bring shame to several brothers, but also the face of the entire Wuwu Shengtian.

Gu Fenghua was not in a hurry to continue, but first stabilized the elixir fire and rehearsed the hand seal in his mind.

"Su Gongfeng, you have full confidence in Gu Mansion Superintendent." Kou Chuchen didn't know what Gu Fenghua was thinking. Seeing the unruly look on Su Guang's face, Kou Chuchen snorted again.

"Of course, my family is full of talent, how can it be so difficult for me to defeat her with Dao Ti Dan? I mean, she was born at the wrong time. If she had been born tens of thousands of years earlier, I am afraid that even Emperor Lingxu would admire her and marry her. It will be a story that lasts forever." I had never won in gambling before, but I had never lost in a quarrel. At this time, I had broken my destiny, and it was even more impossible to show weakness. Su Guang said proudly when he heard this, but he didn't know when Gu Fenghua became his family.

Hearing this, Gu Fenghua's hand trembled, and the elixir fire also flashed: "Marry Jinlan with Emperor Lingxu, and achieve eternal happiness?" If you can think of it, aren't you afraid that my father will jump out of reincarnation and be reborn and slap you to death?

"Pfft..." Lin Yuantang, Zhuang Mengdie and others were also shocked by him, and they spat it out at the same time.

"Okay, okay, I won't argue with you. I heard that you are the best gambler in your life, why don't we take a gamble?" Kou Chuchen couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. He was too lazy to argue with Su Guang and said with a smile.

They were bent on annexing the Qingyuan Taoist House, so they naturally found out the details of everyone in the Qingyuan Taoist House. They had already known about Su Guang's gambling problem. I originally wanted to use this to bribe him, but I didn't want Su Guang to be a gambler. However, he also knew how to measure, so he never found an opportunity.

"Okay, what's the bet?" When Su Guang heard about the bet, he was as excited as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

"Let's bet on Dao Spirit Stones. How about 100,000 Dao Spirit Stones?" Kou Chuchen asked.

"Wait." Before Su Guang could agree, Lin Yuantang quickly dissuaded Su Guang, "Su Gongfeng, didn't I just tell you that we practitioners should be pure in heart and have few desires? Your habit of gambling must be changed. changed."

Not long after Gu Fenghua started to look at her, she stopped doing the hand seals. They didn't believe she could refine the Tao Body Pill? Su Guang made a bet with Kou Chuchen. Wasn't it a clear gift of money? Just to be angry, just bicker, how can you do such a stupid thing.

Besides, gambling is really not a good thing, and it’s time for him to stop gambling.

"No, I, Su Guang, have always lost money as well as others, and today I have to make a bet with him. It's just a hundred thousand Dao Spirit Stones, I bet!" Unfortunately, the persuasion was ineffective, Su Guang waved his hand, He said with great enthusiasm.

It's no wonder that he owed such a huge debt in the past, and even ten cows couldn't even hope to get it back if he got into gambling.

"Okay, it's a bet!" Kou Chuchen, of course, would not give him a chance to change his mind, and shouted loudly.

At this point, it was useless to say anything. Lin Yuantang and Zhuang Mengdie looked at Su Guang with helpless expressions.

"Can you get one hundred thousand Taoist Spirit Stones?" Lin Yuantang sighed and asked after a while.

"I can't take it out, but others can. Except for you, everyone in the Taoist mansion owes me a lot of Taoist spirit stones." Su Guang said disapprovingly.

As the largest creditor of the Qingyuan Taoist House, he is very confident. Otherwise, how could he easily bet with Kou Chuchen? Would he really be considered stupid? If you don’t lose money, you have to have money to lose, right?

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