My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5889 5889 Changes fate again against fate

"Do you think the disciples in the Tao Mansion can get the Tao Spirit Stone?" Lin Yuantang asked next.

"This..." Su Guang looked stunned.

Qingyuan Taoist House has been in decline for many years, and each of his disciples has become poorer. Otherwise, they would not have come to block the door of his majestic home just for a few hundred Taoist spirit stones. Although everyone now owes him a huge debt, if he really wants them to pay it back, it would be better to just kill them.

"They can't take it out, but the two Fuzheng adults can take it out." Su Guang thought for a while and looked at the two Fuzheng adults.

Zhuang Mengdie and Chen Siyuan looked at him faintly, speechless for a while.

They could collect one hundred thousand Dao Spirit Stones, but after doing so, more than half of the family fortune accumulated over generations would be lost. Not to mention the descendants of the clan, I am afraid that even my own cultivation resources will become a big problem.

Don't even think about turning into a butterfly in your dream, practicing while sleeping, or being promoted to a saint. Just wait and die.

Alas, why were you so stupid in the first place? Why bet with him? No wonder they say that small amounts of gambling bring pleasure, big gambling harms the body, and forced masturbation... forced gambling will turn the whole thing into ashes. It really makes sense.

The two Fuzheng adults looked at each other and really wanted to give themselves a slap in the face.

They had forgotten that in that huge gamble, Su Guangsu changed his fate of losing everything and unexpectedly became the largest creditor of Qingyuan Taoist House.

In today's huge gamble, who can be sure that he can't change his destiny again and win another game!

"Gu Fu Supervisor, if you really can't make it, don't force it. I will never break my promise. I'll give you these three 'Podan' pills." After successfully introducing Su Guang into the trap, Kou Chuchen was in a good mood and saw Gu Fenghua. There was no movement yet, so he couldn't help but say.

When he said the word "Podan", his face was full of sarcasm. Of course, this is not self-sarcasm, but a mockery of Gu Fenghua's blind words.

"Hahahaha, Inspector Kou, I'm afraid others won't look down on you for being a 'poor pill', so you'd better not humiliate yourself." He Xinda laughed loudly.

He already disliked Gu Fenghua, but seeing that she was so disrespectful that even Kou Chuchen dared to offend her, of course he would take this opportunity to ridicule her and vent his frustration.

"How do you know that I don't like those broken pills? It seems that you don't pay much attention to Kou Mansion Supervisor's alchemy skills." Before he could finish laughing, Gu Fenghua looked at him in surprise. He said as if he felt the same.

Then, she saw her fingers move, and a series of handprints were quickly made.

He Xinda's sarcastic smile suddenly froze!

Although his brain is not very good, he is also a strong person in the realm of becoming a saint, and his eyesight is not bad. After just a few glances, he could tell that Gu Fenghua's handprint looked exactly the same as the Alchemy handprint that Kou Chuchen had used before, but it was very different on the inside.

It is precisely because of this difference that her handprints appear more fluid, giving people a natural feeling.

Of course, the eyesight of the chief supervisors of the various prefectures is not bad, and they can see the differences. They are all bright before their eyes. Even the young disciples they brought to prepare to participate in the Dao Chi experience are no exception - they are qualified. Participating in Daochi training, your qualifications and strength are already outstanding, but how can your eyesight be so bad?

The sarcasm on Kou Chuchen's face disappeared without a trace, and his face turned pale again after finally returning to normal.

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