My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5890 5890 Feeling proud for the first time in my life

As a Taoist alchemist, he knows the subtleties and mysteries of Gu Fenghua's hand seals better than others, and he can also feel the difference between his own set of hand seals and hers better.

What surprised him the most was that judging from the dozen or so hand seals Gu Fenghua had made before, although she had some foundation in alchemy, she had obviously never refined Taoist elixirs before, and the method she used was more like coming from her own. It's like imitating the same pattern and stealing it.

But after stopping to think for a while, the handprints she made again immediately changed drastically, and she didn't know how much better than him. Could it be that this mudra was actually derived from her own deliberation and understanding.

How can this be? Even if the Dao Body Pill was born less than a hundred years ago, the refining method has some shortcomings and needs to be further improved by future generations. However, given Gu Fenghua's age, how could he have such ability?

An illusion, it must be an illusion! Kou Chuchen shouted secretly in his heart.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed. None of this was an illusion.

"The elixir is ready!" As Gu Fenghua shouted, the furnace lid opened, and Taoist elixirs leapt out.

It was different from the previous time when Kou Chuchen opened the furnace lid and saw Tao Body Pills shattering one after another. This time, not a single Dao Body Pill was broken.

One after another, the crystal-clear and round Taoist pills flew in front of Gu Fenghua, with strange lights lingering on the surface, like floating clouds surrounding them.

"Heavenly Level Dao Body Pill!" Someone exclaimed.

"Nine, it's nine heaven-level Taoist pills!" Someone else said with difficulty.

As seniors from various bureaus, it is certainly not difficult to count from one to nine, but at this moment, they could not believe their eyes. They counted several times before finally confirming that Gu Fenghua's furnace body elixir was not exhausted. All nine were refined, and all of them were of heaven level!

You should know that Kou Chuchen praised himself as a wizard of elixirs. He could only refine three physical elixirs in one furnace, and one Xuan-level and two Huang-level elixirs were almost an unbreakable fate. But even so, he is not ashamed at all, but is proud of it. The reason is very simple. Other third-level Taoist alchemy masters can't even try to refine a single Taoist elixir, let alone three elixirs in one furnace.

But as for Gu Fenghua, he has refined all the nine elixirs in a furnace, and all of them are of heaven level!

At this moment, looking at Gu Fenghua's young face, everyone briefly fell into petrification.

Su Guang had a dull look on his face. He said before that Gu Fenghua had understood the way of alchemy and wanted to improve his quality when he made the elixir. He was just not angry with Kou Chuchen's ridicule and just said something harsh. Who knew that not only did she completely refine the nine elixirs in one batch? , and they are all of heaven level.

This is not as simple as improving the quality, it is simply turning stone into gold!

"Fenghua, you, you made it, you really made the Tao Body Pill..." Lin Yuantang and others didn't believe that Gu Fenghua could make the Tao Body Pill. When they saw this scene, although they were not as trapped as others They were petrified, but each one of them was stunned and muttering to themselves, but they were no better than them.

"It's done." Gu Fenghua looked at them and nodded vigorously.

"It's done, it's really done, the elegance is done!" Lin Yuantang and others finally woke up from a dream, clenched their fists and shouted loudly.

For the first time in his life, he was proud and proud in front of all the Dao Palaces. For the first time in his life, he gave Zhengyang Dao Palace a loud slap in the face in front of so many powerful Dao Palaces. They were so excited that their whole bodies trembled, and tears finally burst into their eyes.

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