My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5891 5891 I’m sure you won’t default on your debt, right?

"Prisoner Kou, now do you know why I rejected your kindness?" Gu Fenghua said to Kou Chuchen with a smile.

Nonsense, aren’t you an idiot if you don’t know this? The people in the surrounding houses all woke up and looked like they were suddenly enlightened.

Compared with the nine heaven-level Taoist elixirs that Gu Fenghua personally refined, the Xuan-level yellow-level Taoist elixir that Kou Chuchen refined is nothing. It is clearly a waste elixir, right? No! That's not waste elixir, it's clearly elixir dregs.

It was a big joke to actually bribe Gu Fenghua with a few pieces of pill slag to drive a wedge between her and the Qingyuan Taoist House.

"By the way, this Deacon He can see clearly. I should have known that I would despise your bad pill.

But to be honest, even my own deacon looks down on your body elixir, so I’d better use it less often in the future to embarrass myself. "Gu Fenghua has not forgotten He Xinda's humiliation to Qingyuan Daofu yesterday, nor has he forgotten their sinister intentions just now. At this point, he just sent him a pick.

The fifth young lady of the Gu family has never had the noble sentiment to repay kindness with kindness, and repaying kindness with kindness and resentment with hatred is her true temperament.

"No, Mr. Palace Supervisor, don't listen to her nonsense. Since when have I looked down on your Tao Body Pill..." He Xinda suddenly had a bright idea. When he heard Gu Fenghua's instigation, he felt like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He jumped up, and while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he tried his best to explain to Kou Chuchen.

"Shut up, don't say anything more." Kou Chuchen interrupted him angrily and glared at him fiercely.

Of course he also knew that He Xinda just called his Dao Body Pill "Broken Pill", and he was just using Gu Fenghua's own words to ridicule her. No one would think that he would look down on his master's alchemy skills. technique.

But after Gu Fenghua refined these nine heaven-level Taoist elixirs, the flavor of that sentence was completely different.

He was slapped in the face. Not only was he slapped hard in the face by Gu Fenghua, but he was also slapped hard in the face by his own deacon!

Kou Chuchen only felt that his old face was burning, and even the root of his neck was burning. He looked down at his toes, wishing that a crack in the ground would appear under his feet and let him dive in.

Unfortunately, the crack in the ground did not appear, but a bad old man with a smile as bright as a peach blossom appeared in front of him.

"Supervisor Kou, our previous bet is still valid, right? As a dignified supervisor, you will not default on the bill, right?" Su Guang rubbed his fingers, with a smile that was as cheesy as a gambling house. An old gangster who specializes in loan sharking.

"Pa" Kou Chuchen felt another loud slap on his face.

A bad gambler who has lost everything in his life knows the principle of losing money but not others. How could Kou Chuchen not understand? He glared at Su Guang fiercely and took out a storage ring. He was about to throw it over, but his spiritual mind swept away slightly, and he looked at Cao Fangyi with embarrassment.

He never expected that Gu Fenghua could refine Tao Body Pills and made a bet with Su Guang for 100,000 Taoist Spirit Stones. He just knew that Gu Fenghua had already owed a lot of debt and was always penniless, so he took money to bully him casually. Just people.

And if Su Guang accepts the bet, he will have his key from now on, and he can force him to work for Zhengyang Daofu.

Who would have known that Gu Fenghua had actually refined the Dao Body Pill. When it was time to cash in on the bet, he realized that he only had more than 50,000 Dao Spirit Stones on his body and could not afford that much money. Come.

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