My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5892 5892 Stop putting gold on his face

Cao Fangyi and Kou Chuchen have known each other for many years, and they could see his embarrassment at a glance. This is the dignified Supervisor of Zhengyang Taoist Prefecture. How can he be embarrassed? Besides, it is not his own face that he is embarrassed about, but the face of Zhengyang Taoist Prefecture.

"Prisoner Kou, I lent you the money the day before yesterday..." Cao Fangyi was about to take out the Taoist Spirit Stone. However, if he took it out directly, it would still lose face to Kou Chuchen, so he was going to make up a reason, saying that he had borrowed the Imperial Supervisor's Human Dao Spirit Stone the day before yesterday and happened to pay it back today.

"I said, Supervisor Kou, are you unable to produce so many Dao spirit stones? Why are you opening such a big handicap if you can't produce it? Although we are members of the Dao Mansion and are not ordinary people in the market, since we have made a bet, , there should be rules for betting, how can you be so shameless?" Before he could finish his words, Su Guang said angrily.

"What are you talking about, Su Guang, how dare you humiliate me like this. Don't think that since you are worshiped by the Qingyuan Taoist family, I don't dare to do anything to you and will let you be humiliated!" Kou Chuchen miscalculated for a moment and was already depressed. When Su Guang heard this, he became furious.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong. I didn't keep my mouth shut just now. I apologize to you. Since you can get it, give it to me quickly. One hundred thousand Taoist Spirit Stones. Don't make a mistake. "Su Guang was able to bend and stretch, and immediately apologized to Kou Chuchen with a playful smile, but when it came to the one hundred thousand Dao Spirit Stones, he was not ambiguous at all.

Kou Chuchen immediately wilted. If he could get 100,000 Taoist Spirit Stones, he would have smashed Su Guang on the head long ago. He didn't need to be ridiculed like this.

"Superintendent Kou, I borrowed 50,000 Taoist Spirit Stones from you the day before yesterday. I just happened to bring them together today..." Seeing Kou Chuchen's listless look, even Cao Fangyi felt aggrieved for him and quickly took out a storage ring and handed it over. past. He and Kou Chuchen knew each other well, and they also knew how much money he had.

"Okay, okay, don't put money on his face. Everyone is not stupid. Who can't see what's going on? If you don't have that much money, don't make such a big bet. It's a shame that you are the Superintendent of Zhengyang Taoist Prefecture. , You can bully people like this, but if it were someone else who was so shameless, his limbs would have been broken and thrown out." Su Guang interrupted him again and looked at Kou Chuchen with contempt.

All around, the faces of the powerful men from various provinces also showed disdain. Even if you have never been to a gambling house and don't know the rules of a gambling house, the rules of life are always the same. Placing such a big bet but not being able to come up with the money, isn't that shameless?

Su Guang was right, that is to say, Kou Chuchen was the supervisor of Zhengyang Taoist Prefecture. No one would dare to do anything to him. If it had been anyone else, he would have deserved to have his five limbs broken... Well, five limbs, not four limbs? Su Guang, this old gangster!

He was slapped in the face, slapped in the face again, and the slap was heard. Kou Chuchen was ashamed and angry, and his whole body was trembling. However, Su Guang stabbed the painful spot with a knife, and he was unable to refute. He could only throw the two storage rings on Su Guang's body, turned away, and never looked at him again.

There are a total of 110,000 Taoist Spirit Stones in the two storage rings, and there are many more. However, it is obviously impossible to expect Su Guang to return them. The old gambler quickly swept away his mind, pretending he didn't see anything, and put it into his arms.

The restriction on the storage ring had been easily broken by Kou Chuchen. Others didn't care and didn't have the nerve to look at it, but Gu Fenghua had no scruples. He swept away his mind and looked at Su Guang again, with an appreciative smile on his lips.

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