My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5893 5893 Such a generous reward is unexpected

If you have an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard. This Su Da worshiper is not pedantic or pretentious. He is very promising and suits her taste.

"Supervisor Gu, I wonder if these Dao Body Pills can be sold or bartered? Our Qingyue Daofu has accumulated a lot of rare treasures over the years. If Supervisor Gu has something he likes, just ask. "When they fulfilled their bet, a Mansion Lord couldn't wait to say.

"I, Hengtian Daofu, have some treasures. If Superintendent Gu has something he likes, please feel free to ask." Another prince followed and said.

Seeing this, other Dao Fu also asked for help.

This is a heaven-level Dao body elixir. I don’t know how much stronger it is than the dregs of elixirs refined by Kou Chuchen. If it weren’t for the identity of this prince, they would be so greedy that they would drool.

"Excuse me, my lords, I am able to refine this Furnace Dao Body Pill, thanks to Mr. Han Fu's Qiji Taoist Grass. I remember that according to the rules, 30% of the refined Tao Pill should belong to Mr. Han Fu. Rounding off, this The three Dao Body Pills should be given to Lord Han first." Gu Fenghua waved his hand to interrupt everyone, and looked at Han Daocheng beside him.

What, what did she say? After hearing Gu Fenghua's words, everyone was stunned again.

There is such a rule in the Supreme Heaven. If you prepare your own Taoist herb and ask someone to help you refine the Taoist elixir, after the elixir is completed, 70% will belong to the Taoist alchemist and 30% will belong to you. But the problem is, Han Daocheng didn't prepare any Taoist grass by himself. He just looked after Fenghua, which was really pitiful, and gave her a Qiji Taosheng flower.

By the way, what I said at that time was not sending, but borrowing. But at that time, no one could have thought that Gu Fenghua could really refine the Dao Body Pill. I am afraid that even Han Daobeng himself had never thought that she would return it. Besides, it’s just a Qiji Daosheng flower, so what does it matter if she doesn’t return it.

"Master Han Fu, if you don't want the Dao Body Pill, I can exchange some Qiji Dao Shengcao and return it to you. I just lent you one plant, how about giving you ten plants back?" Seeing Han Daocheng looking at him blankly, After being silent for a long time, Gu Fenghua asked again.

If you want it, who says you don’t want it? I don’t even want the Dao Body Pill. Is my brain flooded? Everyone screamed silently for Han Daocheng in their hearts.

Borrowing one and repaying ten seems to be a huge profit, but Qiji Dao Shenghua is nothing more than a fourth-grade Dao spiritual grass. Even if Gu Fenghua borrows one and repays a hundred, how much will it be worth?

The Dao Body Pill is different. Not to mention the heaven-level Dao Body Pill refined by Gu Fenghua, even the yellow-level pill slag refined by Kou Chuchen, one pill is enough to exchange for a hundred Qijijidao-born flowers, and the age is still high. It must be more than a thousand years old.

"Supervisor Gu, of course I want the Dao Body Pill, but it's just a Qijijidao Shenghua. If you really want to return it, just give me one or two. It's not worth taking such a precious Dao Body Pill." Come back." Han Daocheng said with a wry smile.

Of course he also wanted the Dao Body Pill, but he only exchanged a mere Qiji Daoist Flower for three Heavenly Level Dao Body Pills, and even he was embarrassed to reach out. If word spread, others might think that he is a cunning old man who bullies other girls because he is simple-minded and ignorant of the world.

"Mr. Han Fu said that, it's a bit over the top." Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

"Oh, what did Mr. Gu say?" Looking at that bright smiling face, Han Daocheng looked confused.

"To Mr. Han Fu, Qiji Dao Shenghua is just an ordinary Dao spiritual grass, and its value is far from comparable to that of Dao Body Pill. But I am different. Refining Dao Body Pill is just a piece of work for me, but if I don't have your plant The Qijing Dao-sheng flower, but I can't even try to refine a Dao-body elixir. So to me, the Qi-ji Dao-sheng flower is far more precious than the Dao-body elixir.

To be honest, I made nine Dao Body Pills with the help of that Qiji Daoist Flower, but I only gave you three. I still feel guilty. If Lord Han is unwilling to accept this, wouldn’t it make me even more ashamed? "Gu Fenghua said.

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