My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5901 5901 I regret so much that my intestines are almost green.

That's fine with Yan Cangshui. After all, Cangyun Taoist Mansion had already taken refuge in Zhengyang Taoist Mansion a long time ago. They were at odds with Qingyuan Taoist Mansion overtly and covertly. He had no other choice but to go all the way.

But Mu Xiuxuan and Liang Guanxia were different. Their Lingyun Taoist Palace, Zixia Taoist House, and Zhengyang Taoist House had nothing to do with each other originally, but they couldn't withstand the temptation of Taoist Pills, so they hurriedly joined Zhengyang Taoist House.

Looking back now, they just missed Gu Fenghua and the Heavenly Level Dao Body Pill just one step early. Compared with the Dao Body Pill refined by Gu Fenghua, what they got from Kou Chuchen was nothing. It was clearly a scumbag!

They don't want to see the happy smiles of other people in the government, or the disappointed faces of their own disciples. They are even embarrassed to take a step out of the door. They lock themselves in the bedroom every day and look at the dull and dregs of pieces in their hands. He was sighing like a scumbag, and his intestines were almost green with regret.

There is certainly a reason for their regret.

Three days later, people from all the mansions gathered beside the teleportation formation deep in Zhengyang Taoist Mansion. As Cao Fangyi, Pang Lingqing, and Kou Chuchen performed their hand seals at the same time, the formation was activated, and the figures in the formation disappeared one after another.

Gu Fenghua's body moved lightly and he entered the transmission channel. A series of strange light phantoms flashed in front of his eyes, as if time had stopped.

It seemed that it was just an instant, and it seemed that a long time passed, and the strange light and phantom suddenly disappeared.

In front of his eyes was a vast starry sky with white nebulae flowing slowly around him. Gu Fenghua was surprised to find that the other end of the teleportation formation was actually in the void.

Looking forward through the hazy white nebula, I saw a majestic peak quietly suspended in the void not far away.

The ancient stone stairs wind up along the mountain peaks, appearing and disappearing in the solid white mist. At intervals, the white mist condenses to the extreme, turning into rain and dew and gathering into pools, which makes people see clearly. Chu.

There are nine such clear pools in total. The higher you go up, the smaller the clear pools are, but the spring water is clearer and purer. Even from several miles away, you can faintly feel the abundant spiritual energy in it.

These nine clear ponds are what Lin Yuantang and others call the Qingyuan Dao Pond, which is now the Zhengyang Dao Pond!

"Feng Hua, you have been in the limelight these days. I think Zhengyang Taoist Mansion will probably not give up. You must be more careful when going to Qingyang Taoist Pool to practice." Before everyone arrived, the elders of each mansion were telling their juniors. , Lin Yuantang also said to Gu Fenghua with a worried look.

"That's not true. With so many pairs of eyes staring at her, how dare they attack Fenghua?" Su Guang said with some disapproval.

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake. If you are anxious, you can do anything. If you are anxious, you can do anything." Chen Siyuan said cautiously.

"Senior brothers, please rest assured, I will pay close attention." Gu Fenghua also said cautiously.

After going through hardships from Tianji Continent to Wuji Holy Heaven, and then to Supreme Heaven, she has seen too many dangers, how could she take Zhengyang Taoist House lightly?

"Be especially careful with He Xinda. I heard that he will also participate in this experience. I don't know why, but I always feel that he is deeply hostile to you. He is a strong man in the realm of sainthood. With your current strength, you can still It’s hard to match him.”

"Not only He Xinda, but also the other disciples of Zhengyang Taoist House should not be careless. Although they are not as good as He Xinda, they are all above the fifth level of the Holy Saint."

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