My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5902 5902 The reason why my father became famous overnight

"By the way, there is a man named Zheng Tengyuan, who is a direct disciple of Cao Fangyi. I heard that he has reached the seventh level of the Holy Saint and is known as the genius of Zhengyang Taoist House. You must be especially careful." Although Gu Fenghua has been cautious enough. , but Lin Yuantang and others were still worried, and continued to babble in her ears.

"Yeah, yeah, I will be careful, and I will never be careless." Hearing their chatter, Gu Fenghua seemed to see the worried eyes of his grandfather every time he left home for experience. He nodded seriously and Gathering his spiritual thoughts, he headed towards the Dao ponds to explore from a distance.

Her heart suddenly jumped as her spiritual thoughts penetrated into the white spiritual mist.

The power of blood! The ethereal and ethereal Qi in this spiritual mist is so similar to the power hidden in the blood.

In the last battle with the Tianji Holy Lord, the hidden power in the bloodline was exhausted. Although it recovered on its own later, the speed was extremely slow. Until now, it has only recovered one-tenth at most. But now, when the spiritual mind penetrates into the white spiritual mist and feels the ethereal and clear energy in it, the power of blood flows rapidly, and the recovery speed is more than twice as fast as before.

Obviously, this power hidden deep in the bloodline has some special connection with this spiritual mist. It may even come from this spiritual mist, or in other words, from this Qingyuan Dao Pond.

How is this going? Since it is the power of blood, shouldn't it come from the blood of the parents? How could it be related to Qingyuan Daochi?

Gu Fenghua was shocked and doubtful. He was stunned for a while before he remembered one thing: cultivators in the Supreme Heaven would also perform pulse-cutting and marrow-cleansing, but unlike Wuji Holy Heaven, the pulse-cutting and marrow-cleansing here was more thorough, even The bloodline will undergo some subtle changes as a result, and it is precisely because of such changes that the supreme powerhouses emerge in large numbers, and even one generation is stronger than the other.

My father was originally just a cultivator from the lower plane of a certain star field, but in just a few thousand years, he became the strongest emperor in the history of the Supreme Heaven, and even became the unsurpassable peak of the latter. Obviously, with his extraordinary talent Regarding talent, except for a few exceptions, most of it comes from blood.

According to "Tianlu" records, when my father first came to the Supreme Heaven, he was unknown for hundreds of years, but suddenly became famous overnight, and then soared into the sky. It only took a thousand years to become one of the eight emperors of heaven, and then defeated the other emperors of heaven. In troubled times, the Supreme Being is unified. This is obviously unreasonable.

Could it be that my father became famous overnight because of a change in his bloodline. The thing that caused the change in his bloodline was Qingyuan Daochi.

The more Gu Fenghua thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was correct, and he couldn't help but get excited.

"What's wrong, Junior Sister Fenghua?" Lin Yuantang asked confused and confused when he saw that Gu Fenghua looked humbly accepting the instruction at first, then suddenly started to feel startled, and then looked excited, and then felt confused.

"No, it's nothing. You go on." Gu Fenghua suppressed his inner excitement and put on the look of listening attentively.

What else can you say? Looking at you like this, I'm afraid you haven't heard a word you said, so why should we waste any more words? Lin Yuantang glanced at Gu Fenghua angrily.

He mistakenly blamed Gu Fenghua. Although Gu Fenghua was indeed a little distracted later, he listened to every word of the previous words and remembered them in his heart. He did not take Zhengyang Taoist House lightly at all.

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