"By the way, there are nine Qingyuan Dao Pools. The higher you go, the more abundant and solid the spiritual energy contained, but the requirements for physical fitness are also higher. If it is forcibly absorbed, the meridians will explode and the sea of ​​​​qi will be shattered. If you are seriously injured, your body may be broken into pieces and you will die without a burial place. You must not show off your strength after you go there." Lin Yuantang warned again.

Thinking about it carefully, under the eyes of everyone, the possibility of He Xinda and others taking action is not too great. A few words of advice will be enough, and there is no need to nag people all the time. However, Gu Fenghua needs to be reminded of the dangers of Qingyuan Daochi itself, lest she be too complacent and blindly arrogant in the past few days to harm herself.

"I know, it's not easy for me to achieve the level of cultivation I have today. I will never risk my life just for the sake of my whim. Senior brother Lin, don't worry." Gu Fenghua is as good-natured as a little white rabbit. of.

"That's good, that's good." Lin Yuantang felt relieved.

"With Fenghua's talent, I don't know how many Dao ponds he can reach?" Su Guang said excitedly.

Because of the death of their ancestors, all generations of the Su family have been waiting for Gu Fenghua's arrival. He himself has been waiting for as long as he can remember, so he is even more looking forward to Gu Fenghua's future achievements.

"We should be able to reach the last one." Gu Fenghua said casually.

The energy hidden in the white spiritual mist did not make her feel any threat. Instead, it made her feel unusually friendly, and she did not think there was any difficulty in reaching the last one.

"Pfft..." Zhuang Mengdie just took out a tea cup and took a sip, then he squirted out.

Lin Yuantang also stumbled and almost fell into the void.

Is this what you said about not acting on your whim or risking your life? With this tone of yours, do you dare to be louder?

"Junior sister Fenghua, it's a good thing for young people to be motivated, but they shouldn't be too conceited. It's better to be cautious, be cautious." Lin Yuantang forced out a dry smile and advised softly.

If it were any other disciple who dared to say such reckless words, he would have slapped him in the face. However, Gu Fenghua is also a palace supervisor and a junior sister rather than a disciple. More importantly, he has been in the limelight in front of powerful people from various palaces in the past few days. He has made great achievements in wooing various major palaces. Not only can this slap of his When filming, I didn’t even dare to say too harsh words.

"Yes, Fenghua. The experience in Qingyuan Daochi is certainly a great opportunity for cultivators, but it is also a test. Although this test is not as strict as the Devil's Heart Valley, it is more dangerous.

Throughout the ages, except for Emperor Lingxu, only a dozen people have been to the ninth Dao Pond. You still can't be too conceited. "Even Su Guang couldn't help but persuade.

Although Gu Fenghua passed all the tests in Demon Heart Valley, which is enough to prove that he has good qualifications, Qingyuan Daochi and Demon Heart Valley are completely different after all. Those who can pass the test of Demonic Heart Valley may not be able to pass the test of Qingyuan Dao Pond.

"Yeah, I understand, I'll be careful. Then seven seats, seven seats." After hearing what they all said, Gu Fenghua also felt that he had been going smoothly recently, and his self-confidence seemed to be a bit inflated, so he should be more modest and low-key. as well.

"Seven seats..." Lin Yuantang and others began to ponder.

With Gu Fenghua's previous talent, there should still be great hope for reaching the seventh Taoist pool, but now she is too important to Qingyuan Taoist House, so they still feel uneasy.

"Then five seats, then there should be no problem." Gu Fenghua didn't want them to worry too much, so he lowered his goal.

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