"Well, there's no problem. There should be no problem with this." Lin Yuantang and others felt relieved.

While a few people were talking, others were passing through the transmission channel one after another.

There are twenty Taoist mansions under Tianwei Xingjun's throne. The chief palace supervisor and the best disciples of the mansion are all crowded together in a teleportation formation. Although the number of people is not large, it is still very lively.

"Are all the disciples from all the prefectures here?" Cao Fangyi, who came last, glanced at the crowd and asked.

"We're all here." Zhu Lu, who came first, had already carefully counted the number of people and immediately stepped forward to answer.

"The opportunities and dangers of Zhengyang Dao Pond must have been mentioned by the elders of each government, so I don't need to say more. There is only one thing to remind you, do everything according to your ability, and never be too strong.

I'll say the ugly things up front. If something unexpected happens, stop when you need to, and retreat when you need to. Otherwise, if your life is not saved at that time, you will not be able to blame me, Zhengyang Daofu. "Cao Fangyi said with a serious face.

"Thank you, Master Fu, for reminding you. We will remember it." The disciples from all the provinces bowed slightly and saluted.

Although the various Taoist mansions were originally similar in appearance to the Zhengyang Taoist mansion, in recent days, thanks to Gu Fenghua's favor, they have become even closer to the Qingyuan Taoist mansion, and they even vaguely share the same hatred towards the Zhengyang Taoist mansion. But now they are on their territory after all, and they still maintain due courtesy towards Cao Fangyi.

"Then go." Cao Fangyi nodded, waved his hand and shouted.

The disciples from all the prefectures had been waiting impatiently for a long time. Before he could finish his words, they flew towards Qingyuan Dao Pond like an arrow from a string.

Cao Fangyi glanced at He Xinda, who nodded knowingly and flew out with a group of Zhengyang Taoist disciples.

Except for Qingyuan Taoist House, only Gu Fenghua participated in this Qingyuan Taoist training session. Each of the other houses had two to three disciples. As the host, Zhengyang Taoist House had nearly twenty disciples participating in the training session.

The seniors from each government looked at their disciples with excitement, expectation, and nervousness. No one noticed at all that among the disciples of Zhengyang Taoism, there was a burly man who looked away from all the disciples of Taoism. Behind him, he licked his lips from time to time, and a fierce cold light flashed in his eyes.

As soon as he left the teleportation formation, a huge force enveloped him. Although the disciples from various prefectures continued to fly towards the hanging mountain, their bodies were pressed lower and lower.

Finally crossing the void and getting down to earth, everyone has landed at the foot of the mountain. A stone staircase winds up, appearing and disappearing in the white spiritual mist.

Looking up along the stone stairs, the first Taoist pond is more than ten miles away, like a crystal clear gem.

"Prince Gu, please go first." No one was in a hurry to leave, but said to Gu Fenghua respectfully.

Putting aside Gu Fenghua's identity as the palace supervisor, it is only said that the Dao Body Pills they took these days were refined by Gu Fenghua himself, and the price paid was only a few dozen or hundreds of Dao Spirit Grasses. Even their own Taoist government owes Gu Fenghua a huge favor, so how can they have the nerve to compete with her first?

"No need to be polite, just go up in order, don't waste time." Gu Fenghua said.

There is not only one Qingyuan Dao Pond. As time goes by, the opportunity becomes greater, but it also becomes more difficult. There is no point in being ahead at this time.

Of course, who goes first and who comes last also represents the difference in status. However, the youngest of these Taoist disciples are older than her, and some are even old enough to be her grandfather. Of course, she will not act like a palace supervisor in front of them.

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