At first they saw that Gu Fenghua and the Chaos Beast were not moving, as if they were talking about something, and they still had a glimmer of hope. After all, they are all the chief supervisors of the various palaces. Even if they can't kill Chaos, they can still make it take advantage of it. Maybe you can force it to give in.

But it's a pity that the ferocious beasts of the ninth level of sainthood are not as stupid as they imagined, and they will never be given the chance to take action.

Cao Fangyi, Kou Chuchen and others looked at each other and could no longer hide the smiles on their faces.

Seeing that Hun Tian had not taken action just now, they were somewhat worried because they didn't know what they were talking nonsense about. But now it seems that their worries are obviously unnecessary.

This Gu Fenghua is dead!

"Kill, kill this big reptile, kill, I will kill!" All the blood power was poured into the divine sword without reservation. Gu Fenghua not only heard the clear trembling of the sword, but also heard the excitement of the sword spirit in his mind. Yelling.

But she herself couldn't get excited at all.

During the period after she was promoted to the Holy Saint, she was busy practicing alchemy and helping Demon Wood Cauldron to be promoted to a Taoist weapon. She did not have time to practice properly, but she did not dare to neglect her sword skills and spent a lot of time. Comprehend the seventh sword among the Eight Swords of Guiyuan: One sword falls into the sky.

This sword brought her first-grade Holy Saint cultivation level to the extreme. Coupled with the power of the Qingyun Sword itself, and the fact that nearly 30% of her bloodline power had been restored, the power actually reached the level of the Holy Saint. Fourth grade.

The higher the cultivation level, the greater the difference in combat power. If it were anyone else, such an increase in combat power would be unimaginable.

But for Gu Fenghua, this was not enough. You must know that what jumped up on the opposite side and rushed towards him was an extremely ferocious beast of the ninth level of sainthood.

At the same time as the sword was slashed out, the Cangchen holy pattern on his left hand also turned into a bloody sword light. The demon wood cauldron flew out, the furnace lid opened on its own, and the white and crystal-clear Nine Heavens World-Destroying Gourd turned into a rainbow light, and fell towards Huntian together with the bloody sword light.

"Yes, yes, I really didn't underestimate you. It's just that you can exert such combat power at the level of the Holy Saint. You actually have sacred marks and such a divine weapon. Hmm... It seems that you are being promoted to a Taoist weapon. It's amazing. It's amazing." Hun Tian didn't expect that Gu Fenghua's real strength was so great, let alone that she had so many good treasures, so he couldn't help praising her.

However, the topic changed and he sighed regretfully, "But unfortunately, such strength is still not enough, not enough."

Of course Gu Fenghua also knew that such strength was far from enough, but she had no choice. Even if she had to die, she would die vigorously without leaving any regrets!

"Crack!" There was a cracking sound, and the sword light struck Hun Tian heavily on the top of his head.

The chaotic beast, which was shaking its head and sighing just now, was shaken all over and stopped. Blood gurgled out from the crack on the top of his head, covering his head and face in the blink of an eye.

It's cloudy, the sky is cloudy. The two already dull eyes were spinning, and it seemed as if little golden stars were flying out one after another, becoming even more dull.

"Boom!" Before it could recover, the blood-colored sword light of the Cangchen Saint Pattern and the crystal clear Nine Heavens Destruction Alley hit its head hard at the same time.

The blood surged out like a fountain and fell like raindrops. The already red body was covered in blood, making it even more weird.

"Bang", Hun Tian leaned forward and fell to the ground. His eyes were blank and completely lifeless.

Confused, in the void, Lin Yuantang and others were also confused.

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