My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5923 5923 Awe and fear due to bloodline

They thought that Gu Fenghua would definitely die. Even if they tried their best, even if they self-destructed their holy souls and self-destructed souls, they still had no time to save him. Their hearts were cut with daggers, and their vision was almost blurred by tears.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Gu Fenghua slashed Chaos' forehead with a sword and smashed its head with a gourd.

Is it an hallucination? Is it an hallucination caused by excessive worry and grief? Just like Cao Fangyi and others two days ago, they rubbed their eyes hard until their eyes were red and bloodshot, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

Cao Fangyi, Kou Chuchen, Pang Lingqing and others were all blinded with their eyes wide open and their mouths almost wide enough to fit a big goose egg in. They were also blinded.

Others only thought that Huntian was a ninth-level saint, but they knew that this Chaos only stopped there because he failed to be promoted to a Taoist saint. In fact, this was actually a powerful person who was at the peak of the ninth-level saint, or even a half-step saint. By.

How is this possible for a half-level saint to have his head chopped off easily by a first-level saint? Even though she has the combat power of the fourth level of the Holy Saint, which is far beyond their imagination and even beyond their knowledge, the Holy Saint is still the Holy Saint after all, let alone compared with this kind of half-step Saint, even compared with the ordinary Saint. There is a level of difference in comparison.

If a mere holy saint can so easily abuse a half-step saint, then with their strength, wouldn't they be able to drag out the Emperor Haokong, knead him into a round shape, and trample on him as much as they want?

Crazy, they think they are crazy. Not only is he crazy, the whole world is crazy.

Gu Fenghua looked at the Qingyun Sword in his hand, and then looked at Chaos lying on the ground in front of him, blood sizzling on his head. Gu Fenghua himself was equally confused.

This is a strong man of the ninth level of Saint Transformation, and he also has the powerful physical body of a ferocious beast. Even if he stands there motionless and is cut and smashed by himself, he will not be injured like this, right?

No, there must be something wrong. But after much thought, she couldn't figure out what was wrong?

"Are you okay?" After a while, Gu Fenghua asked tentatively.

Maybe it's out of sympathy between foodies, maybe it's because Hun Tian's experience is too cowardly, the blood is so miserable, even Gu Fenghua feels pitiful... Well, Miss Gu actually really wants to Jump up and add a "knife".

However, the sword just now consumed all the holy energy in the body, and even the 30% of the bloodline power that had finally been restored. The strength is also exhausted, and the "knife" cannot be replenished for the time being.

Hearing Gu Fenghua's voice, Hun Tian's soul that had drifted to who knows where finally drifted back. Looking at Gu Fenghua's beautiful face, there was extreme fear in his eyes.

Just now, when Gu Fenghua drew his sword, the already burning and boiling blood in its body suddenly fell silent. The half-step saint's powerful demon spirit power was completely suppressed in the depths of the bloodline, and he could not even use his own power. Out of every trace.

Even the soul was suppressed to death.

Facing Gu Fenghua's all-out sword, it couldn't even resist at all.

A kind of awe and fear originating from the bloodline arise involuntarily from deep in the heart, growing rapidly like bamboo shoots after a rain, filling the entire heart.

Facing Gu Feng's probing inquiry, it didn't know how to answer, and it didn't even dare to make a sound. There is a strict hierarchy among the monsters. For the strong, sometimes the meaningless instinctive roars of the weak will be regarded as a great provocation.

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