My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5924 5924 It’s him, it turns out to be him!

At this time, Gu Fenghua was the strong one, and it was the weak one. Although the gap in strength is so huge, don't forget that for monsters, the suppression of blood is also a part of strength, and it is a very important part.

Could it be that the girl in front of me has the blood of a mythical beast, and it is the purest and most noble blood of a mythical beast?

With Huntian's confused mind at the moment, he certainly couldn't figure out this problem. It just lay on the ground, looking at Gu Fenghua in horror, letting the blood on its head surge, quietly sliding down the stone stairs, and then sliding down again.

For the strong, sometimes running away is also a provocation. The weak who dare to do so are often torn into pieces and watch themselves being torn into pieces alive.

If it weren't for being Chaos, possessing a powerful ferocious beast bloodline, and possessing the strength of a half-step saint, it would even think that it should be clean, and put itself on the fire, roasting it with oil and salt in one hand and cumin in the other. It was delicious, so I just tore it into pieces and handed it to her.

Fear was still spreading, its whole body was trembling, and it seemed to use up all its strength with every inch it slid down the stone stairs.

"It hasn't been many years since I left. Are all the ferocious beasts this weak now?" A faint voice suddenly sounded in my ears, which seemed to be doubtful, but also like a sigh.

Hun Tian's whole body was shaken, and all the hair on his body stood on end.

It's him, it's him! At the same time as this voice came, the coercion originating from the bloodline fell from the sky again.

Hun Tian finally understood that it was not Gu Fenghua who made him frightened and even unable to resist at all, but the owner of this voice.

However, this did not make it feel lucky, nor did it make it feel happy, but it made it even more frightened.

This time, it finally vaguely sensed the opponent's energy, which was more powerful than the top divine beast in the sky, and could even compete with the Emperor of Heaven!

"Ouch..." Huntian finally spoke up and let out a loud shout.

"Look, I know that Lord Huntian was just too careless, and Gu Fenghua succeeded by luck." Hearing this thrilling beast roar, Zheng Tengyuan, who was not far away, patted his chest and exhaled a long breath. .

Gu Fenghua's sword strike just now not only stunned the powerful men in the void, but also frightened him and He Xinda. It was only then that they came back to their senses.

They were still regretting that they should not have risked their lives to get into the muddy water, but when they heard Huntian's "roar", they felt relieved.

They were closer, and they could see Gu Fenghua's sword more clearly. In fact, they had long been doubtful: no matter how unexpected the sword power of the fourth-grade Holy Saint was, it would not be able to hurt a strong man who was half-step Saint. Bar?

There is no doubt that Master Huntian was careless just now, very careless.

If Gu Fenghua had just killed him with one sword, of course there would be nothing to say, but unfortunately, she was still too weak after all. Since that sword couldn't kill Hun Tian, ​​then she would naturally be the one to die.

The anger of a majestic chaotic beast, the anger of a half-step saint, was beyond what she, a mere first-grade saint, could bear.

In the void, Cao Fangyi and others also thought of this section, and they were also relieved. At the same time, they felt a little regret for Gu Fenghua: After all, she was still too weak. Such a good chance of survival was right in front of her, and she couldn't grasp it. .

It's a pity that they all thought wrong. The one who should really regret is not Gu Fenghua, but them. Is that a roar? It's clearly a beast's roar of fear, okay?

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