My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5926 5926 Do you need to be so cruel?

Finally, the beast shadow rushed down the foot of the mountain and disappeared into the rugged mountain with strange rocks.

In the void, the powerful men from all the provinces were relieved. Fortunately, all his disciples had retreated to the edge of the Dao Pond, and they had escaped disaster.

"Hahahaha, was that Zheng Tengyuan just now? A prodigy who only emerges from Zhengyang Taoist House in ten thousand years has fallen to such a state that he has lost his head!" Su Guang broke the silence in the void and pointed at Zheng Tengyuan. The corpse laughed loudly... Oh, it's not a corpse, there is no head, just a corpse.

"Su Guang!" Seeing the tragic death of his favorite disciple, Cao Fangyi was already devastated. Hearing Su Guang's gloating laugh, he became even more furious. It felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart. , eyes almost bursting with fire.

"Mr. Cao Fu, calm down, calm down. We are also very sorry that such a thing happened. However, when heaven is about to entrust this man with a great responsibility, he must first work hard on his mind and body..." Lin Yuantang said quickly to smooth things over.

Cao Fangyi had said these words once before when Gu Fenghua was in danger, so he took advantage of the situation as he had it at his fingertips.

Regret, why didn't I see any regrets on your part? You have the nerve to say regrets when you are all smiling like this.

Is there anyone who works so hard and exhausts his muscles and bones? You really think that God will give a great responsibility to the dead.

It hurts my heart, and it hurts my heart again. Of course Cao Fangyi would not forget that he had just said these words not long ago, and when Lin Yuantang returned them in full, he felt even more heartbroken, his face darkened, and his whole body was trembling with anger.

"Mr. Cao Fu, we can't resurrect people after death, so we should save people first. I think Deacon He is not dead yet. He has his own destiny, and maybe there is still a glimmer of hope." Chen Siyuan said with another look of concern.

The same rhetoric was used by Cao Fangyi on Gu Fenghua just now. But that was just to add to the worries of Lin Yuantang and others, but He Xinda really had a glimmer of hope.

But, so what if there is still a glimmer of hope. In order to reach the sixth Dao Pond, he has already been exhausted. Being slapped on the body by Chaos, living is definitely worse than death. It is better to let him die. .

Despite the concern on Chen Siyuan's face, he was actually stabbing him, fiercely. Cao Fangyi and the others were so angry that their teeth almost broke.

"Save people!" Although everyone knew that He Xinda would be worse off than dead even if he was alive, they couldn't really just watch him die. Cao Fangyi finally glared at Lin Yuantang fiercely, and continued flying towards Xuankong Mountain with Kou Chuchen, Pang Lingqing and others.

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you gone? I still want to say a few more words of comfort." Zhuang Mengdie said with regret as he looked at their departing figures.

Han Daocheng and others turned their heads at the same time: Do you need to be so cruel? It's enough for them to prick you with a knife from the left or right. If you prick him again, you will really prick him into a sieve.

"By the way, what happened just now? With Gu Fujian's cultivation in the Holy Realm, how could it be possible to injure a ninth-level saint like that?" Ignoring the ruthless old man, Han Daocheng was confused. Qie asked.

Through the misty spiritual cloud, they could vaguely see that Gu Fenghua's sword was quite powerful, reaching the fourth level of the Holy Saint. However, even so, it was impossible to split the head of a strong man of the ninth level of the Holy Transformation. Let the blood flow.

"Perhaps it has something to do with the divine sword in her hand. Fenghua is a family friend of my Su family. My ancestors once followed Emperor Lingxu. It is said that the divine sword was given by Emperor Lingxu himself." Su Guang said casually, but it was a habit. Sexually blown open.

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