My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5927 5927 Fourth Brother’s Breath

Of course, he didn't know what was going on in the scene just now, but he had to find a reasonable explanation, otherwise it might cause others to speculate unreasonably and bring some unnecessary trouble to Fenghua.

If it were an honest person like Lin Yuantang...wait, is he really honest? Forget it, let’s not talk about this for now. In short, if it were them, they wouldn't be able to come up with any reasonable explanation for a while, but it would be hard to defeat Su Guang and Su Dacheng. Isn't it just blowing? This is what he does best.

I have to say that his words were half-truth and half-false, and it was hard to find any flaws.

The origin of the ancestors of the Su family is a mystery, and no one can explain it clearly. But what everyone can be sure of is that his ancestors were once the guards of a certain supreme powerhouse, and that top powerhouse was most likely Emperor Haokong, or even Emperor Lingxu, but he was seriously injured later and died. After he recovered, he retired to seclusion and went to Qingyuan Taoist Mansion to take care of his old age.

It is said that this is because a certain previous prince of the Qingyuan Taoist Prefecture had some friendship with him, otherwise even a mere Taoist Prefecture might not be able to invite him.

Since the ancestors of the Su family have such a background, the Gu family's background as family friends is certainly not that small. It is very likely that they once followed Emperor Lingxu. It is not enough that the family has one or two divine swords given by Emperor Lingxu. strange.

And the divine sword given by Emperor Lingxu is certainly not comparable to ordinary artifacts. Even if it only contains a trace of the divine will of the Emperor, it is definitely not something that the vicious beasts of chaos can compete with.

Being injured by Gu Fenghua's sword, Chaos not only did not take revenge, but instead ran away, which makes more sense.

"It turns out that's the case. We had a false alarm." Han Daocheng and others said with emotion, the more they thought about it, the more sense it made.

Knowing the origin of Gu Fenghua's Divine Sword, no one dared to try against her. Who dares to misunderstand the divine sword given by Emperor Lingxu? That would be a slap in the face of the Emperor of Heaven. Even if Emperor Lingxu is no longer alive, his majesty cannot be challenged, otherwise it will surely arouse public outrage.

"Of course, I didn't think of this before, otherwise there would be no need to worry about her." Su Guang said proudly without blushing at all.

He didn't know that this time, he would be blown away by the nonsense again.

"Now that the chaos has retreated, Gu Mansion Superintendent is no longer in danger, and he must be able to reach the ninth Taoist pool." A Mansion Lord said excitedly.

Knowing Gu Fenghua's extraordinary life experience, they looked forward to it even more. You must know that except for the former Emperor Lingxu and other powerful people who were destined to return, no one has ever reached the ninth Dao Pond. Even if you just witness it, it is a great honor and enough to be talked about by future generations.

"That goes without saying." Su Guang puffed out his chest and said proudly.

On the stone staircase, Gu Fenghua did not move in a hurry, but clenched his fists tightly, with tears filling his eyes.

Just before the chaos retreated, she suddenly noticed a familiar energy.

Understood! Why did Chaos have no reaction, no defense, no resistance before, and let her split his forehead with a sword and smash his head? Why did Chaos, who suffered such a heavy loss, not only did not get angry in anger, but instead retreated with awe in his eyes, and finally ran away in fear?

All the doubts and puzzles have answers.

That was clearly the aura of Fourth Brother, the aura of the sacred beast Suzaku, one of the four spirits in the sky!

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