My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5928 5928 I really want to see her

Chaos is powerful, and the Half-Step Saint is indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, can it still be stronger than the Four Saints of Heaven?

Looking at the supreme sky and thousands of planes, except for the most noble dragon and phoenix clans, no divine beasts even dare to raise their proud heads in front of the Four Saints of Heaven.

With excitement, Gu Fenghua looked around, but did not find the familiar figure of his fourth brother.

"Fourth brother..." She murmured to herself, but she didn't get any response from the fourth brother.

Could it be that I thought wrongly, that it wasn't the fourth brother's aura? As soon as this idea arose, it was immediately rejected by Gu Fenghua.

Everything could be wrong, but she would never admit her mistakes in her brothers' aura.

In that dark and endless void, they had been with her for tens of thousands of years, watched her break out of the "cocoon" with their own eyes, grew up with her, taught her mind and sword skills step by step, and taught her all kinds of strange magic. technique. Although they are not true blood relatives, the relationship between brother and sister is closer than blood relatives. How could she admit her mistake?

Gu Fenghua looked around blankly, and suddenly realized when he saw Lin Yuantang and others not far away.

That's right, after his brothers were seriously injured and left Supreme Heaven, Emperor Haokong didn't know their whereabouts at all. He didn't even know if they were still alive, let alone that they were with him.

Returning to the Supreme Heaven this time, they naturally cannot expose their whereabouts at will.

Although the fourth brother did not show up, Gu Fenghua knew that he must be looking at him, just like he used to stand behind him and look at him silently when he was concentrating on training. The moment you look back inadvertently, you will see his happy smile.

"Brother, I won't let you down, not before and never in the future!" Gu Fenghua said silently in his heart, raised his head, and continued walking towards the next Taoist pond with firm steps...

"Are you really not going to meet Fenghua?" Behind the misty spiritual mist, a pair of eyes stared at Gu Fenghua's slender and graceful figure, unable to look away for a long time. In the disappointed voice, a young, handsome and somewhat evil face gradually emerged.

"Can't." Another voice sounded, with obvious irritation in his tone.

In the spiritual mist, another young face vaguely appeared, equally handsome, with a taller and taller figure, but it also gave people a feeling of coldness that kept strangers away.

"Oh, but I really want to see her." The handsome man sighed.

"Don't forget our promise." The stern man reminded solemnly, but his voice became more irritable.

"What on earth was that old guy thinking, asking us to make that bullshit promise?" The handsome man covered his forehead in pain and complained in a depressed tone.

"This is normal. If Fenghua had been living under our wings, I'm afraid he would never be able to become a truly strong man. How could he dare to entrust his family and life to her." The cold man also sighed and looked at Gu There was a bit more tenderness and expectation in Fenghua's eyes, and suddenly, there was a kind of magical power that captured people's hearts.

"Isn't Feng Hua strong enough? In just a few years, he has become the strongest person in the Wuji Holy Heaven. Even if it were you and me, we wouldn't be able to achieve such a level of cultivation in such a short time in such a plane. "The handsome man said unconvinced.

"How about comparing with Emperor Lingxu?" the stern man asked.

"Uh... well..." The handsome man was left speechless by his question.

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