My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5930 5930 Everyone is also curious

Gu Fenghua has reached the ninth Taoist pool. This level of relaxation and comfort even exceeds that of the former Emperor Lingxu. You feel like it's a pity. Then can we still survive?

"It's a pity that Cao Fangyi and others are gone, otherwise it would be better to gamble with them again." Chen Siyuan sighed again, his eyes were not only filled with loss, but also filled with pain.

Also betting, do you really want others to lose and lose their underwear? All the princes, governors, and supervisors were all in a cold sweat.

Hey hey hey, what's going on? Don’t they all call me an old gambler? Who is the gambler? Su Guang looked stunned.

Originally he thought that Fuzheng was only of this level, but looking at the pain and sorrow on Chen Siyuan's face, he realized that he had underestimated Master Fuzheng: look at other people's greedy attitude, look at other people's murderous behavior Absolutely ruthless, I really can't compare to him.

"Ahem, Inspector Gu has reached the ninth Taoist pool, and he doesn't know how far his cultivation can be improved?" Han Daocheng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said curiously.

Everyone was equally curious. They all withdrew their contemptuous gazes from Chen Siyuan and looked at Gu Fenghua.

The reason why they attach so much importance to Dao Chi experience is because the spiritual energy of this Dao Chi is not only abundant and condensed, but also contains a strong Tao charm, which is of great benefit to improving one's cultivation level.

Generally speaking, as long as you reach the first Tao pool, you can easily break the bottleneck. If you reach the second or third Tao pool, you can upgrade to one or two levels with the cultivation base of the elite disciples of each Tao house. None of it is difficult.

By analogy, the higher the level of Dao Pool reached, the greater the improvement in cultivation level. However, everything has two sides. The higher the level of the Dao Pool, the higher the physical requirements. Normally, a stronger physique often means a higher level of cultivation.

To put it simply, if the gap in qualifications is not too big, the cultivation level of the first, second and third level of the Holy Saint can only reach the third Dao pool at most, and the cultivation level can be improved by about two or three levels. As for the cultivation level of the third, fourth and fifth levels of the Holy Altar, it is possible to reach the fourth Dao Pool, and the improvement of cultivation level is probably two or three levels, while the cultivation level of the sixth, seventh and eighth levels of the Holy Altar is expected to reach the third level. The five Dao ponds have been upgraded to two or three levels...

In short, under normal circumstances, no matter what level of cultivation you take to participate in the Dao Chi experience, the final improvement will be two or three levels. (Of course, the improvement of these two or three levels cannot be underestimated. Because they are originally above the Holy Saint, even in a spiritual energy-rich plane like the Supreme Heaven, each level improvement will take hundreds or even several years. A hundred years. And the understanding of Tao Yun gained from the Tao Pond may not be obtained even after thousands of years of practice.)

What we are talking about here is normal circumstances, so what happens under abnormal circumstances?

Gu Fenghua is only a first-level saint, but she has reached the ninth Taoist pool that even countless powerful saints cannot reach. How will her cultivation improve?

More importantly, it was her first time to participate in the Qingyuan Daochi training. Just like many Dao pills, the first time you take them, the effect will be the best, and then the effect will become worse and worse. The same is true for the experience of Qingyuan Daochi.

After all, when you reach the Holy Saint or above, the most important thing in cultivation is the understanding of the great road, so the first time is the best, and then the gains will become smaller and smaller.

Looking at Gu Fenghua from a distance, everyone's eyes were full of expectation.

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