My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5931 5931 A call from the depths of the bloodline

Then, they saw Gu Fenghua slowly leaning over and dipping his hand into the Taoist pool.

"She, what is she doing?"

"Does she want to die?" Immediately, a burst of exclamation sounded in the void.

The spiritual energy of the Qingyuan Dao Pond was so abundant and solid that even if they went there, they would only dare to sit cross-legged on the edge of the Dao Pond, absorbing and refining the pure spiritual energy dissipating in the air.

Gu Fenghua actually put her hand directly into the pool of water where the spiritual energy essence was condensed. Did she want to die?

Does she feel that the spiritual energy escaping from the Dao Chi is not enough? Please, no matter how good your qualifications are, you are only at the level of a first-grade Holy Saint. Such abundant spiritual energy is not enough, so what can you do?

A group of Taoist masters were shocked and horrified, and their minds went blank for a short time.

After finally forcing themselves to wake up, they opened their mouths at the same time, trying to stop them. But before they could make a sound, they saw a scene that frightened them even more.

I saw Gu Fenghua jump lightly and jump into the Tao pond!

Not enough, really not enough. For Gu Fenghua, this Dao Chi spiritual energy is sufficient, but the Dao Yun in it always seems to be incomplete, something is missing.

So she put her hand into the water. Then, she felt a kind of energy that seemed to be connected by blood. She subconsciously explored with her spiritual sense, and she actually felt a call that seemed to come from the depths of her blood.

So, she jumped into the Tao Pond without hesitation.

The extremely solid spiritual energy seeped into the body from every pore in the body. If it had been anyone else, they would have exploded and died immediately, and turned into nothingness in the Tao Pond. This is the reason why the strong men in various palaces changed their expressions in horror. .

But Gu Fenghua didn't feel any discomfort, let alone any pain. Although this spiritual energy is incomplete, it has the same origin as her bloodline. It penetrates directly into her limbs and bones, seeps into the depths of her bloodline, and then transforms into the power of her bloodline. It cannot cause any harm to her at all.

She stretched her body, like a nimble fish, and swam towards the depths of the Tao Pond. She could feel that the call from her bloodline was hidden at the bottom of the ninth Taoist pool.

Closer, closer. Finally, a green Dao Ling Grass appeared in front of us. The dozen or so finger-sized fruits on the top were as crystal clear as jade, emitting mysterious light patterns like water waves.

"What kind of spiritual grass is this?" Gu Fenghua was a little confused.

She rummaged through the "Tianlu" and paid special attention to the records involving the alchemy and weaponry, but she had no impression of this Taoist spirit grass.

"Hey, the Tianxu Dao Divine Fruit has really grown again. It's too slow. It took tens of thousands of years to grow just a few." The sword spirit's surprised voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"What, the Tianxu Dao Divine Fruit, you said this is the Tianxu Dao Divine Fruit!" Gu Fenghua exclaimed in his heart.

The Tianxu Dao Divine Fruit is one of the top Dao Fruits in the Supreme Heaven. If the Tianxu Dao Transformation Pill is refined, even the ninth-grade Holy Saint, no matter how ordinary his qualifications, can easily be promoted to Saint Transformation.

Because it is too precious, even the senior who compiled "Tianlu" has never seen it, so the book only has records about the Tianxu Dao Divine Fruit, and the Tianxu Dao Transformation Pill that has been circulated for who knows how many thousands of years. There is no mention of the secret recipe and what it looks like.

"Back then, your father used this Tianxu Dao Divine Fruit to refine Tianxu Dao Transformation Pill, and then he was promoted to Saint Transformation. Can I still remember it wrong?" Sword Spirit said.

It’s really the divine fruit of Tianxu Dao. I didn’t expect to find such a rare treasure in Qingyuan Dao Pond! If it weren't for the fact that he was deep in the Tao Pond, Gu Fenghua would almost laugh out loud with excitement.

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