My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5944 5944Don’t you think it’s a little late?

Seeing the coldness in their eyes, Cao Fangyi, Kou Chuchen, and Pang Lingqing felt their hearts thump, their feet became weak, and they almost fell to their knees.

"Master Fu, what are you doing? They broke into our Zhengyang Taoist mansion without notification. It is a capital crime. Why are you being so polite to them? Just kill them. Just two people dare to come to our Zhengyang Taoist mansion to show off their power. , I, Zhengyang Taoist Mansion, can drown them with just a spit of spit." If he didn't have enough brains, Zhu Lu didn't even realize how scary Gu Hanyi and Gu Yeyu were, and said to them with a look of disdain.

It was just a talk, but he actually raised his palm and walked towards the two of them in a swagger. Judging from his posture, he probably wanted to slap them to death.

court death! This is clearly seeking death.

Cao Fangyi and others were so frightened that their hearts almost jumped out of their throats. They wanted to stop it, but it was already too late.

"Looking for death!" Sure enough, he was looking for death. Before Zhu Lu could get in front of Gu Hanyi and Gu Yeyu, he heard a thunderous shout.

The light and shadow were distorted, and another burly man appeared out of thin air and slapped Zhu Lu on the head.

"Bang!" Zhu Lu dwarfed amid the muffled sound. Then, it was like being slapped directly to the ground by him, and just disappeared in front of you.

The dignified and powerful man of the third level of the Holy Saint was slapped cleanly into nothingness. He didn't even have time to scream before he died.

"Huntian!" It was only then that Cao Fangyi and others exclaimed at the same time.

The tall and majestic man in front of him, with eyes that could never seem to find focus, wasn't the chaotic beast that was just a hair away from becoming the spiritual beast of their Zhengyang Taoist Prefecture.

No wonder the soul imprint on it quietly disappeared. Seeing Hun Tian immediately return to the Gu brothers after beating Zhu Lu to death, with a respectful and flattering smile on his face like a follower, they finally understood what was going on.

Unless someone helps, how can the imprint of the soul that they spent hundreds of years on Huntian be easily removed? And to be able to remove the imprint of the soul without their noticing, and to make Huntian surrender like this, how powerful should this power be?

"Junior is wrong. Junior and others are so blind that they offended Tian Yan and dared to go against your sister. Junior and others will definitely change their ways and never go against your sister. They also forgot that senior gave junior and others a way to live." Cao Fangyi Unable to hold on any longer, his knees gave out and he fell to the ground.

"Junior has realized his mistake and will never dare to do it again. I hope senior will let this junior and others escape." Pang Lingqing and Kou Chuchen also knelt down on the ground with pale faces.

As the governor or supervisor of the Zhengyang Taoist Prefecture, none of them are usually arrogant and arrogant. Not to mention in front of powerful men from other prefectures, they will never kneel down easily even in front of Lord Tianweixing. .

But at this moment, they knelt down without hesitation. They were scared, really scared.

They know Huntian's rebelliousness best. Although it did not dare to offend Xingjun's majesty before being promoted to Dao Sage, facing Xingjun, it will never surrender like it does now, and it can also smile like this. Flattery.

"You realize your mistake now, don't you think it's a little late? There is no regret medicine in this world." Gu Yeyu looked at the few people jokingly and said meaningfully.

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