My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5945 5945 Send them on their way

"This junior will go immediately to see Mr. Xingjun and ask him to choose someone else to participate in the expedition to defeat the demons." Looking at his playful smile, Cao Fangyifu suddenly thought of something, just like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, eagerly said.

Although Gu Fenghua is the younger sister of Gu Hanyi and Gu Yeyu, even if she is promoted to the ninth level of the Holy Saint, her strength is still far behind them, and participating in the demon-killing expedition is still a disaster.

Lord Tianweixing has just received his summons, and he must not have sent the order to Qingyuan Daochi yet. It is still too late to rush to dissuade him now. This may be Gu Fenghua's only chance to survive, and it is also his only chance to survive.

Of course, for him, this is also the biggest bargaining chip.

"Yes, yes, we will go see Mr. Xingjun immediately and ask him to take back his life." Pang Lingqing and Kou Chuchen also reacted and said to the Gu brothers anxiously as if they were grasping at straws.

"No, you have misunderstood. You have indeed done wrong in other things, but in this matter, you have done it right and it is exactly what we want." Gu Yeyu shook his head, with a hint of joking in his smile. The meaning is stronger.

Cao Fangyi and others were startled, their eyes full of confusion.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? They have already done what you want them to do. Let's send them on their way." Gu Hanyi said impatiently.

"Senior..." Cao Fangyi and the others just woke up from a dream and still wanted to beg.

Unfortunately, before they could say anything, Hun Tian's palm was raised again.

"Bang, bang!" Two muffled sounds sounded almost at the same time. Kou Chuchen and Pang Lingqing disappeared into nothingness like Zhu Lu without saying a word.

"I, I will fight with you!" Cao Fangyi finally understood that no matter what he said or did, the other party would never give him a way out again.

In grief and anger, he fiercely pulled out his sword.

"The light of a grain of rice dares to compete with the sun and the moon!" Gu Hanyi snorted coldly, waving his sleeves lightly like shooing away flies.

The powerful energy immediately enveloped Cao Fangyi. He held his sword high, but he couldn't cut even half of it.

It turns out that this is his true strength! Cao Fangyi finally felt the power of Gu Hanyi personally, and fully understood why Huntian was so surrendered and flattering.

His cultivation of the fifth level of the Holy Saint was clearly like an ant in front of this stern young man. Even Hun Tian, ​​who was at the peak of the ninth level of the Holy Saint, was no better than an ant in front of him.

The powerful energy suddenly retracted, and Cao Fangyi felt his body light up, breaking away from the shackles of heaven and earth, and also breaking away from the shackles of his body, flying in the mid-air. Then, he watched his other self sway slightly and disappear like a phantom.

Then, his mind quickly became blurred and he fell into endless darkness.

"Wrong, totally wrong. You should not have been an enemy of Gu Fenghua from the beginning. Perhaps, you should not have been an enemy of Qingyuan Taoist House at all." This was Cao Fangyi's last thought before his soul was completely dead and dissipated. .

Unfortunately, as Gu Yeyu said, there is no regret medicine in this world, and it is too late to say anything now.

"Let's go." Gu Hanyi never looked at Cao Fangyi from the beginning to the end. Then he waved his sleeve and killed him. His expression didn't change at all, and he turned around and walked out.

"Sir, there is another one over there, why don't we kill him together?" Hun Tian looked at the silly He Xinda next to him and asked flatteringly.

"Oh, I forgot about him and left him to you." Gu Hanyi didn't even pay attention to Cao Fangyi, so he had no interest in attacking an idiot.

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