"Ah..." Gu Fenghua was thinking about something, and looked confused when he heard this.

"Yes, it is not easy to be promoted to Sainthood, and it is even more dangerous. Although you failed this time, you are able to escape safely, which is also a blessing among misfortunes." Zhuang Mengdie also comforted.

"Don't worry about leaving green hills without firewood. You are still young, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Besides, I'm afraid there won't be many ninth-grade saints of your age in the entire Supreme Heaven. Such strength is enough. You are proud, there is no need to rush to be promoted to saint." Chen Siyuan also consoled and enlightened with sincere words.

"Yes, yes, if it doesn't work this time, just come back next time. With your talent, it will definitely not be difficult to be promoted to the second and third levels of the sage next time, not only to the sage, but also to the second and third levels of sage.

You also know that I, Su Guang, have changed my fate against the will of heaven. How about winning something? How else could other Daofu be so interested in me? So just relax, don’t think too much about anything, and just practice hard. "In order to comfort Gu Fenghua, Su Guang also took the initiative to reveal his identity as the Fuwa mascot.

When they spoke, their eyes were full of worry and pity, as if they were afraid that Gu Fenghua would wipe his neck if he couldn't think of it.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua didn't know whether to laugh or cry: they had been making trouble for a long time, and it turned out that they were afraid that they would fail in promotion and get into trouble. But, who told them that they had failed in promotion?

The reason why she acted so calmly was because this promotion was so big that even she couldn't believe it, and she still hadn't recovered from the shock for a while.

"Senior brothers, don't worry. In fact, I..." Not wanting them to be worried about him, Gu Fenghua decided to tell the truth.

"Fenghua, you don't need to say anything. We understand, we all understand." Before she could finish her words, Zhuang Mengdie held her hand, just like holding the hands of his own children and grandchildren, and sighed lovingly. , "Over the years, I don't know how many times I have failed in promotion. In order to break the last bottleneck, I even thought about turning into a butterfly to enlightenment in my dreams every day, and I don't know how many times I flew around Qingyuan Taoist House at night.

So, I understand all your feelings. You have only failed once. I am much stronger than before, so there is no need for any psychological burden. Just take your time. "

"Yeah Fenghua, look at my eyes, how are they sleeping? Compared with me, you are nothing. You only failed once. Take your time, we are not in a hurry, we are not in a hurry." Chen Siyuan pointed out Pointing at his eyes, which were dim and slumbering, as if they would never wake up, he coaxed Gu Fenghua like a granddaughter.

"Yes, Fenghua, just take your time, I'm very optimistic about you." Su Guang also cheered for Gu Fenghua.

In order to make her happy, she also imitated the appearance of Fuwa and put on a very festive and auspicious pose.

Gu Fenghua's eyes were moist, and he could no longer say the next words.

In order to help her untie her "heart knot", the two Fu Zheng adults revealed embarrassing things. Su Guang even played tricks and pretended to be a Fuwa. If she told the truth, she would be fine. Several elderly people would be embarrassed and would have to find someone. Only when I hang myself on a big tree with a crooked neck can I feel relieved.

"Yes, I understand. Senior brothers, please rest assured. I have gone through many ups and downs step by step from the Wuji Holy Heaven to the Supreme Heaven. Such a little setback cannot defeat me." Gu Fenghua straightened his spine and worked hard. Pretending to be perseverant and unyielding, he spoke loudly and resolutely.

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