My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 5950 5950 Still not giving up

"That's good, I knew Junior Sister Fenghua wouldn't be defeated so easily." Looking at the determination and persistence on her face, Lin Yuantang and the others felt relieved.

"Let's go, we have been in seclusion for many days, and the disciples must be worried." Lin Yuantang glanced at Gu Fenghua with relief again, and strode out of the valley.

Logically speaking, the four of them were promoted to sainthood at the same time. They should have held a banquet today to celebrate the whole house, and they should hold a grand banquet tomorrow and invite the strong men from all the houses to celebrate. However, in order to take care of Fenghua's emotions and not irritate her fragile mind, which was already "deeply frustrated", they had a tacit understanding and forgot about the matter at the same time.

After all, Gu Fenghua had only been in Wushangtian for a short time. He had no idea that there was such a rule, and of course he wouldn't think much about it.

"Master Fu, you are finally out of seclusion." As soon as they left the valley, Lin Yuantang's attendant named Qingfeng hurriedly greeted him.

It seemed that he had been waiting outside the valley for a while, but he didn't dare to go in until he was summoned.

"What happened? Could it be that Zhengyang Taoist Mansion is still determined to give up, so what will it do?" Seeing his anxious expression, Lin Yuantang asked worriedly.

This time he and Zhuang Mengdie were in retreat at the same time. They were not worried about anything else but Zhengyang Taoist House. In order to annex their Qingyuan Taoist Mansion, Cao Fangyi and others have been preparing for many years. Originally they were not too anxious about winning, but now that Gu Fenghua has become a variable, many things are difficult to say.

As he once said, dogs will jump over walls when they are anxious, let alone people.

"Zhengyang Daofu did not do anything. It was Mr. Han Fu, Mr. Xiao Fu, Mr. Luo Fu, Mr. Lin Fu and other adults who asked to see you." Qingfeng replied, and then added, "But I heard that it seems that there is something wrong with Zhengyang." The Taoist government has some connections."

"Oh?" Lin Yuantang and others were relieved when they heard that Zhengyang Taoist Mansion had done nothing, but they were a little confused when they heard the next words.

Before Qingfeng could elaborate, he saw Han Daocheng, Xiao Zilie, Luo Zongtian, Lin Fengxing and other princes coming quickly.

"I'm sorry that some of the adults are here. I couldn't welcome them from a distance. I'm sorry." Lin Yuantang and others greeted them with smiles.

"Mr. Lin Fu, you can still laugh. Aren't you worried about such a big thing?" Han Daocheng said angrily.

"What happened? What happened?" Lin Yuantang's smile froze and he asked blankly.

Since Zhengyang Daofu didn't do anything, he really couldn't think of anything else that could cause them to worry.

"You still don't know about the Demon Crusade?" Seeing the confusion on his face, Han Daocheng couldn't get angry anymore, he just looked confused.

"An expedition to defeat demons?" Lin Yuantang was startled again.

"Master Xingjun's order has been sent to all our major star regions, haven't you received it?" Han Daocheng asked.

Only then did Lin Yuantang remember that he had been in seclusion these days to advance. He was afraid that his mind would be disturbed, so he put Lord Tianweixing's edict token into the storage ring and immediately took out the token after hearing this.

After just one glance, his expression changed drastically.

"What happened?" Zhuang Mengdie and others realized something was wrong and asked nervously.

"Lord Xingjun assigned Fenghua to participate in this demon-slaying expedition." Lin Yuantang said with a bitter expression.

"What!" Zhuang Mengdie and others also changed their expressions when they heard this.

"How did he know about Fenghua? It hasn't been long since Fenghua came to Qingyuan Daochi. Even if he is a little famous, it is impossible for it to spread to his ears so quickly." Su Guang said in confusion.

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